Altrusia Глобални настани | Криптополитски

Event name: Cloud Governance & Security Management Summit

Event Time & Location: 14:00PM GMT – Online event

Event short Bio: 

Altrusia organising the “Cloud Governance & Security Management summit” on 24th June 2022 at 14:00PM GMT. 

​Cloud Governance & Security management is a 1 day networking event that will invite visionary speakers and leaders from the field of Business, Services, Innovation, Technology, and IT in order to discuss the challenges & opportunities associated with the implementation of robust cloud infrastructure within their organizations across industries.

Our speakers: 

  • Nagesh Gummadivalli- Identity Governance and Risk Partner- Netflix
  • Brian Jones- Head of Application Security & Vulnerability Management- Meta
  • George Kavvalakis- Windows Systems Risk Management & Security Architect- BNP Paribas
  • Amirali Shahinpour- Senior Security Software Engineer- Twitch

Event webpage link:

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