Аналитичарите веруваат дека InQubeta (QUBE) и Aave (AAVE) се најновите криптови што мора да ги има за долгорочниот инвеститор што бара по 2023 година - Криптополитан

Many cryptocurrency analysts are picking InQubeta (QUBE) and Aave (AAVE) as the врвни алткоини for long-term investors looking beyond 2023. Both tokens are expected to enjoy substantial growth this year with InQubeta prices scheduled to increase 4x during its presale and Aave already seeing significant price increases. However, it’s the potential of long-term profits as high as 4,400% for InQubeta that’s been generating lots of buzz with market analysts and investors.

InQubeta is helping to propel the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution by providing a secure, efficient network for startups to raise capital and a barrier-free investment medium for investors. Traditional investment options are inaccessible for many people who don’t have Wall Street connections or deep pockets to meet high minimum deposit amounts. 

As inefficient as mainstream investment firms can be, that hasn’t stopped the total number of investment funds thrown at the AI industry from rising from $12.75 billion in 2015 to over $119 billion in 2022. That number is expected to rise to $1,591 billion by 2030. Platforms like InQubeta are making it easier for AI startups to raise capital, helping to push that number upward. 

InQubeta emerges as one of the best picks for short and long-term investors

Artificial intelligence is already having a significant impact on our lives as it changes how many industries operate. Self-driving cars were just an interesting idea most people never expect to become a reality a few decades ago, but companies like Tesla® now have vehicles with self-driving capabilities on the road. Such innovations will undoubtedly have a massive impact on many sectors like the transportation industry as companies are already planning ways to implement self-driving vehicles into their fleets. 

Investors who bought equity in companies like Tesla have seen the value of their portfolios grow over the years thanks to the company’s innovations. Now, InQubeta (QUBE) plans to provide a more accessible way for investors to purchase equity and other rewards in promising artificial intelligence startups. Investors who pick the right firms, get to enjoy exponential profits just like early Tesla stockholders did. 

Artificial intelligence is poised to become the next significant technology breakthrough as many concepts that were once the imagination of sci-fi producers become a reality. 

Startups raise capital on InQubeta’s platform by developing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that represent equity and other bonuses in their firms. These tokens are fractionalized so investors can invest as much or as little as they want with $QUBE tokens, the InQubeta blockchain’s main currency. 

$QUBE tokens are deflationary to help with long-term price growth. All transactions are taxed at a 2% rate, with the proceeds sent to burn wallets. Also, a 5% tax is placed on all $QUBE sell transactions to fund a pool that rewards investors who help run the blockchain by staking their tokens. QUBE tokens also grant investors governance rights, allowing them to propose and vote on issues that affect the network’s development, operations, and future. The value of QUBE tokens is set to rise 4x during the presale period, and the real fun begins after it’s launched. 

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Aave (AAVE) prices trending upward with potential for long-term growth

Aave prices have been slowly rising in 2023, and many crypto investors still believe in its long-term potential. Aave provides a decentralized platform that offers decentralized financial services (DeFi). It automates the process with smart contracts, allowing users to borrow or lend money based on preset rules. 

Loans provided on Aave’s platform are overcollateralized, which means borrowers need to deposit cryptocurrencies worth more than what they borrow. This protects lenders from losing big on loan defaults and allows the blockchain’s protocol to automatically liquidate collateral if its value drops below a determined threshold. 


InQubeta and Aave are two of the најдобрите криптовалути за купување in 2023. Aave continues to have long-term potential by providing financial services to the underbanked while allowing those who stake their tokens to earn interest on loans. InQubeta provides a barrier-free platform for investors to purchase equity in promising startups, helping to push the AI revolution while making investors profits. 

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Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/analysts-believe-inqubeta-qube-and-aave-aave-are-the-latest-must-have-cryptos-for-the-long-term-investor-looking-beyond-2023/