Според аналитичарите, Flasko ќе се издигне побрзо од полигонот (MATIC) и лавината (AVAX)

This past year, cryptocurrencies like DAI (DAI) and Polygon (MATIC) have become more popular. Both have enjoyed successful runs since their debuts, but the current bear market has resulted in adverse price movement. Generally speaking, that has been the case for all crypto, with a few significant outliers.

Crypto specialists, however, think that Flasko, a brand-new cryptocurrency project that has already generated 100% returns for its presale investors, holds more promise.

Polygon (MATIC) Encounters Significant Obstacles

With the help of Polygon (MATIC), users of Ethereum (ETH) may now benefit from quick transactions, cheap gas costs, and increased scalability while using the latter’s ecosystem of dApps, NFTs, smart contracts, and other things. The ERC-20 token Polygon (MATIC) also serves as the layer 2 platform’s native cryptocurrency.

The primary purposes of the Polygon (MATIC) token are to facilitate transactions, cover gas costs, and serve as the ecosystem’s governance token. Despite a successful Ethereum (ETH) merge, Polygon (MATIC) prices have been unable to surpass $1; they are now trading at $0.73, which is 75% below their all-time high of $2.92.

Avalanche (AVAX): far from its all time high, a risky investment

Avalanche (AVAX) is the native token of one of several layer 1 smart contract networks that rapidly rose in price along with similar tokens in the last bull run of 2021. Avalanche (AVAX) prices were around $3 per Avalanche (AVAX) token in just January 2021 and proceeded to hit $146 per Avalanche (AVAX) token by October 2021.

Unfortunately, this meteoric rise was shortlived, and the Avalanche (AVAX) token has plummeted during this bear market, all the way to $17 right now. Perhaps the best time to buy into Avalanche (AVAX) was before it made its 2021 rise. Buying the dip or DCA’ing into the token now is prediction experts to be a risky decision, although some have said it could reach $32-$40 in the next bull market.

Flasko (FLSK) Might Be The Best Investment Of 2022/2023

Фласко е а cutting-edge alternative investment platform that enables Flasko token holders to make first-ever investments in the deluxe rare wine and spirits market. Due to its unique selling concept of offering a hedge for cryptocurrency investors in a very liquid market where prices are continually rising, crypto experts are enthusiastic about Flasko.

As Flasko has its presale, the excitement is evident. Since then, Flasko token prices have increased from $0.015 to $0.04, and everything is going according to plan for the innovative investing protocol, with several crypto analysts projecting that Flasko will reach the region of $3 до април 2023 година.

Investing in the Flasko presale is a steal at $0.04 that will pay off soon. We certainly believe it could be one of the best investment opportunities this year.

URL на веб-страница: https://flasko.io

Препродажба: https://presale.flasko.io


Твитер: https://twitter.com/flasko_io

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/09/30/flasko-will-rise-more-rapidly-than-polygon-matic-and-avalanche-avax-according-to-analysts/