Како да се имплементираат стратегии за оптимизација на цврст гас - Криптополитан

Solidity gas optimization is critical to innovative contract development on the Ethereum blockchain. Gas refers to the computational effort required to execute operations within a smart contract. Since gas directly translates to transaction fees, optimizing gas usage is essential for minimizing costs and improving the overall efficiency of smart contracts.

In this context, Solidity, the programming language used for Ethereum smart contracts, offers various techniques and best practices for gas optimization. These techniques involve carefully considering contract design, data storage, and code execution to reduce gas consumption.

By implementing gas optimization strategies, developers can significantly enhance the performance and cost-effectiveness of their smart contracts. This can involve using appropriate data types and storage structures, avoiding unnecessary computations, leveraging contract design patterns, and employing built-in functions specifically designed for gas optimization.

Што е цврстина?

Solidity is an object-oriented programming language designed explicitly for creating smart contracts on various blockchain platforms, with Ethereum being its primary target. Christian Reitwiessner, Alex Beregszaszi, and former Ethereum core contributors developed it. Solidity programs are executed on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

One popular tool for working with Solidity is Remix, a web browser-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that allows developers to write, deploy, and run Solidity smart contracts. Remix provides a user-friendly interface and powerful features for testing and debugging Solidity code.

A Solidity contract combines code (functions) and data (state) stored at a specific address on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows developers to create arrangements for various applications, including voting systems, crowdfunding platforms, blind auctions, multi-signature wallets, and more.

Solidity’s syntax and features are influenced by popular programming languages like JavaScript and C++, making it relatively accessible to developers with prior programming experience. Its ability to enforce rules and execute actions autonomously, without relying on intermediaries, makes Solidity a powerful language for building decentralized applications (DApps) on blockchain platforms.

Precisely what are Gas and Gas optimization in Solidity?

Gas is a fundamental concept in Ethereum, serving as the unit of measurement for the computational effort required to perform operations within the network. Every process in a Solidity smart contract consumes a certain amount of gas, and the total gas consumed determines the transaction fee paid by the contract initiator. Solidity gas optimization involves techniques to reduce the gas consumption of smart contract code, making it more cost-effective to execute.

By optimizing gas usage, developers can minimize transaction fees, improve contract performance, and make their applications more efficient. Gas optimization techniques in Solidity focus on reducing computational complexity, eliminating redundant operations, and optimizing data storage. Using gas-efficient data structures, avoiding unnecessary calculations, and optimizing loops and iterations are some strategies to reduce gas consumption.

Furthermore, minimizing external calls to other contracts, utilizing gas-efficient Solidity patterns such as stateless functions, and leveraging gas measurement and profiling tools enable developers to optimize better gas.

It’s important to consider network and platform factors influencing gas costs, such as congestion and platform upgrades, to adapt gas optimization strategies accordingly.

Solidity gas optimization is an iterative process that requires careful analysis, testing, and refinement. By employing these techniques and best practices, developers can make their Solidity smart contracts more economically viable, enhancing their applications’ overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness on the Ethereum network.

What are crypto gas fees?

Crypto gas fees are transaction fees specific to intelligent contract blockchains, with Ethereum being the pioneering platform to introduce this concept. However, today, many other layer-1 blockchains, such as Solana, Avalanche, and Polkadot, have also adopted gas fees. Users pay these fees to compensate validators for securing the network.

Users are presented with estimated gas expenses before confirming transactions when interacting with these blockchain networks. Unlike standard transaction fees, gas fees are paid using the native cryptocurrency of the respective blockchain. For instance, Ethereum gas fees are settled in ETH, while the Solana blockchain requires using SOL tokens to pay for transactions.

Whether sending ETH to a friend, minting an NFT, or using DeFi services like decentralized exchanges, users are responsible for paying the associated gas fees. These fees reflect the computational effort required to execute the desired operation on the blockchain, and they directly contribute to incentivizing validators for their network participation and security efforts.

Solidity gas optimization techniques

Solidity gas optimization techniques aim to reduce the gas consumption of intelligent contract code written in the Solidity programming language.

By employing these techniques, developers can minimize transaction costs, improve contract performance, and make their applications more efficient. Here are some commonly used gas optimization techniques in Solidity:

Mapping is cheaper than arrays in most cases

Solidity introduces an exciting dynamic between mappings and arrays regarding gas optimization. In the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), mappings are generally cheaper than arrays. This is because collections are stored as separate allocations in memory, while mappings are stored more efficiently.

Arrays in Solidity can be packed, allowing more minor elements like uint8 to be grouped to optimize storage. However, mappings cannot be loaded. Despite collections potentially requiring more gas for operations like length retrieval or parsing all elements, they provide more flexibility in specific scenarios.

In cases where you need to access the length of a collection or iterate through all elements, arrays may be preferred, even if they consume more gas. Conversely, Mappings excel in scenarios where direct key-value lookups are required, as they provide efficient storage and retrieval.

Understanding the gas dynamics between mappings and arrays in Solidity allows developers to make informed decisions when designing contracts, balancing gas optimization with the specific requirements of their use case.

Pack your variables

In Ethereum, the gas cost for storage usage is calculated based on the number of storage slots used. Each storage slot has a size of 256 bits, and the Solidity compiler and optimizer automatically handle the packing of variables into these slots. This means you can pack multiple variables within a single storage slot, optimizing storage usage and reducing gas costs.

To take advantage of packing, you must declare the packable variables consecutively in your Solidity code. The compiler and optimizer will automatically handle the arrangement of these variables within the storage slots, ensuring efficient space utilization.

By packing variables together, you can minimize the number of storage slots used, resulting in lower gas costs for storage operations in your smart contracts.

Understanding the concept of packing and utilizing it effectively can significantly impact the gas efficiency of your Solidity code. By maximizing the utilization of storage slots and minimizing gas costs for storage operations, you can optimize the performance and cost-effectiveness of your Ethereum smart contracts.

Reduce outside calls

In Solidity, calling an external contract incurs a significant amount of gas. To optimize gas consumption, it is recommended to consolidate data retrieval by calling a function that returns all the required data instead of making separate calls for each data element.

While this approach may differ from traditional programming practices in other languages, it proves to be highly robust in Solidity.

Gas efficiency is improved by reducing the number of external contract calls and retrieving multiple data points in a single function call, resulting in cost-effective and efficient smart contracts.

uint8 is not always cheaper than uint256

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) processes data in chunks of 32 bytes or 256 bits at a time. When working with smaller variable types like uint8, the EVM must first convert them to the more significant uint256 type to perform operations on them. This conversion process incurs additional gas costs, which might make one question the reasoning behind using more minor variables.

The key lies in the concept of packing. In Solidity, you can pack multiple small variables into a single storage slot, optimizing storage usage and reducing gas costs. However, if you are defining a lone variable that cannot be packed with others, it is more optimal to use the uint256 type rather than uint8.

Using uint256 for standalone variables bypasses the need for costly conversions in the EVM. Although it may initially seem counterintuitive, this approach ensures gas efficiency by aligning with the EVM’s processing capabilities. It also allows for easier packing and optimization when grouping multiple small variables.

Understanding this aspect of the EVM and the benefits of packing in Solidity empowers developers to make informed decisions when selecting variable types. By considering the gas costs of conversions and leveraging packing opportunities, developers can optimize gas consumption and enhance the efficiency of their smart contracts on the Ethereum network.

Use bytes32 rather than string/bytes

In Solidity, when you have data that can fit within 32 bytes, it is recommended to use the bytes32 data type instead of bytes or strings. This is because fixed-size variables, like bytes32, are significantly cheaper in gas costs than variable-sized types.

By using bytes32, you avoid the additional gas costs associated with variable-sized types, such as bytes or strings, which require extra storage and computational operations. Solidity treats fixed-size variables as a single storage slot, allowing for more efficient memory allocation and reducing gas consumption.

Optimizing gas costs by utilizing fixed-size variables is an important consideration when designing intelligent contracts in Solidity. By choosing the appropriate data types based on the size of the data you are working with, you can minimize gas usage and improve your contracts’ overall cost-effectiveness and efficiency.

Use external function modifiers

In Solidity, when you define a public function that can be called from outside the contract, the input parameters of that function are automatically copied into memory and incur gas costs.

However, if the process is meant to be called externally, it is significant to mark it as “external” in the code. By doing so, the function parameters are not copied into memory but are read directly from the call data.

This distinction is significant because if your function has large input parameters, marking it as “external” can save considerable gas. By avoiding copying the parameters into memory, you can optimize the gas consumption of your smart contracts.

This optimization technique is helpful in scenarios where the function is meant to be called externally, such as when interacting with the contract from another contract or an external application. These minor Solidity code tweaks can result in noticeable gas savings, making your arrangements more cost-effective and efficient.

Use the short circuit rule to your advantage

In Solidity, when using disjunctive and conjunctive operators in your code, the order in which you place the functions can impact gas usage. By understanding how these operators work, you can optimize gas consumption.

When using disjunction, the gas usage is reduced because if the first function evaluates to true, the second function is not executed. This saves gas by avoiding unnecessary computations. On the other hand, in conjunction, if the first function evaluates to false, the second function is skipped entirely, further optimizing gas usage.

To minimize gas costs, it is recommended to order the functions correctly, placing the most likely-to-succeed role first in operation or the most likely-to-fail part. This reduces the chances of having to evaluate the second function and results in gas savings.

In Solidity, multiple small variables can be packed into storage slots, optimizing storage usage. However, if you have a single variable that cannot be consolidated with others, it is better to use uint256 instead of uint8. This ensures gas efficiency by aligning with the Ethereum Virtual Machine’s processing capabilities.


Solidity is highly effective for achieving cost-effective transactions when interacting with external contracts. This can be accomplished by utilizing the short circuit rule, packing multiple small variables into storage slots, and consolidating data retrieval by calling a single function that returns all necessary data.

Central banks can also use gas optimization techniques to minimize transaction costs and enhance the overall performance of smart contracts. By paying attention to gas optimization strategies specific to Solidity, developers can ensure efficient and economical execution of their innovative contract interactions. With careful consideration and implementation of these techniques, users can benefit from optimized gas usage and successful transactions.

Optimizing gas consumption in Solidity is critical to achieving cost-effective transactions and innovative contract interactions. By utilizing the short circuit rule, packing multiple small variables into storage slots, and consolidating data retrieval with single function calls, users can use gas optimization techniques that ensure the efficient and economical execution of their contracts.

Central banks can also benefit from these strategies to minimize transaction costs and improve the performance of their smart contracts. Developers can ensure optimized gas usage and successful transactions by considering these strategies specific to Solidity.

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Најчесто поставувани прашања

What is gas optimization in Solidity?

Gas optimization in Solidity refers to the techniques and best practices used to reduce the gas consumption of smart contract code.

Why is gas optimization important in Solidity?

Gas optimization is crucial in Solidity because gas directly translates to transaction fees on the Ethereum blockchain.

How can I optimize storage usage in Solidity?

You can optimize storage usage in Solidity by packing variables together within a single storage slot.

When should I use mappings instead of arrays for gas optimization?

Mappings are generally cheaper than arrays regarding gas consumption in Solidity. Use mappings when you require efficient key-value lookups.

Is using uint8 always cheaper than uint256 regarding gas consumption?

No, using uint8 is only sometimes cheaper than uint256 in terms of gas consumption in Solidity.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/solidity-gas-optimization-strategies/