Масивното рели Кардано (АДА) во игра што се движи кон надградбата на Васил, според аналитичарот Михаел ван де Попе

A popular crypto analyst thinks there’s a gap between Cardano’s (АДА) struggling price performance and the project’s fundamentals.

In a new YouTube video, crypto trader Michaël van de Poppe кажува his 165,000 subscribers that there are “massive opportunities” surrounding Cardano’s Васил тврда вилушка, што е закажана to occur on September 22nd.

The upgrade aims to increase the scalability of the project.

Вели Ван де Попе,

“People are assuming that we’ll be falling down even more from here, but frequently that’s not the case as the most obvious levels are usually not getting hit. In that case, [the area] around $0.32 to $0.40 is an important one to keep an eye on and should be support to avoid any market breakdown and is most likely going to sustain as the support here for the next cycle.

Finally, this means that we basically have no momentum and hype going towards the Vasil hard fork, as no clear run upwards has been taking place prior. This brings massive opportunities if the Vasil hard fork is going to take place in a positive manner, which is quite similar to the Ethereum merge. In that case, a run towards $1.00 isn’t unexpected around this event.”

ADA is trading at $0.448 at time of writing. The eighth-ranked crypto asset by market cap is up more than 1% in the past 24 hours.


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Избрана слика: Shutterstock/Zaleman

Генерирана слика: DALLE-2

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/09/20/massive-cardano-ada-rally-in-play-heading-into-vasil-upgrade-according-to-analyst-michael-van-de-poppe/