Денешниот Wordle #590 Совет, индиции и одговор за понеделник, 30 јануари

I’m not sure how it’s already the end of January. Just one more day after today and we’re one month down in 2023. That’s 1/12th of the way through the new year—poof! Just like that. Time flies when you’re having fun—but have we been having fun?

I suppose so. I had a nice weekend playing Pathfinder with friends and heading down into sunny Phoenix, AZ for a brief family reunion to celebrate my aunt’s 70th birthday. That was fun! I’ve also been working out a lot, trying to get healthier and lose some weight, and that’s fun, too—a good challenge is always fun, in my humble opinion.

That’s my credo for 2023. Challenge. I want to challenge myself to do more, to be better, to live cleaner, to achieve the things that I’ve been putting off for the last few years. To expand my horizons, to write more fiction, to read more books, to meet new people, to run races and go backpacking and get off my butt.

Oh, and to solve every single Wordle and beat the Bot as much as possible. Let’s do today’s!

Како да се реши денешниот Wordle

Совет: When you want something very badly.

Поим: Во овој збор има повеќе согласки отколку самогласки.

Одговорот (спојлери):




ми се допадна канап as a starting word even if I knew (or guessed, at least) that it wouldn’t be terrific. 226 remaining solutions really isn’t terrible, however, and I did get one green box out of it.

Резултат was much better, reducing that number to just 10 and adding two yellow boxes to the mix. At this point I thought of two possible words to guess: копнее curve, and I initially was going to go with копнее but decided to live dangerously and throw a крива ball at today’s Wordle.

It was a mistake! I should have trusted my gut on this one. I would have had it in 3 guesses. A 3 would have gotten me 1 point; a 4 gets me zero. Fortunately, it took Wordle Bot five whole guesses today which gets me a +1 for a grand total of 1 huzzah. Хуза!

Wordle Bot guessed slate / prick / crane / craze / crave which is funny. It’s almost like the Bot was guessing like a human today. It’s a bit out of character even. Oh well, I’ll take the win!

ПОВЕЕ ОД ФОРБИДенешниот Wordle #589 Совет, индиции и одговор за недела, 29 јануариПОВЕЕ ОД ФОРБИПреглед на епизода 3 на „Последниот од нас“: Телевизиско ремек делоПОВЕЕ ОД ФОРБИЕве кога трилогијата „Господарот на прстените“ доаѓа на НетфликсПОВЕЕ ОД ФОРБИРекламата за „Breaking Bad“ за Супер Боул содржи еден од најдобрите негативци на серијата: Еве тизерПОВЕЕ ОД ФОРБИЏастин Ројланд се разделува со „High On Life“ Студио Squanch игрите

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2023/01/29/todays-wordle-590-hint-clues-and-answer-for-monday-january-30th/