САД ја обвинуваат Украина за оркестрирање на напад со беспилотно летало во Кремљ – Криптополитан

In an unforeseen twist to the geopolitical chess game in Eastern Europe, American intelligence agencies have made public their belief that Ukraine was likely the orchestrating force behind the recent drone strike on the Kremlin.

Based on a series of confidential intercepts involving both Russian and Ukrainian communications, it appears that the clandestine operation is part of a larger pattern that is causing unease amongst officials in the U.S. – a nation that has been Ukraine’s most significant supplier of military hardware.

A covert operation rattles the status quo

This latest revelation has sent shockwaves through international circles. Tapped conversations between Ukrainian officials indicate a belief that their nation is culpable for the brazen attack on the Russian seat of power.

Simultaneously, American agencies have uncovered Russian communications that seemingly discount the possibility of the incident being a self-engineered, deceptive act by Russia, leading to a clear conclusion.

Indeed, Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman, didn’t hold back in assigning responsibility. His comments in response to the report explicitly pointed towards the “Kyiv regime” as being behind the attack, although he remained non-committal on which faction within Ukraine’s administration was involved.

What matters, Peskov reiterated, was that it was Ukraine’s action, a fact that Russia acknowledges and would base its future actions upon.

Mysteries within Ukraine’s chain of command

According to the New York Times, it remains unclear how much prior knowledge Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy had of such covert operations.

American officials suggested that not all these secretive maneuvers receive a green signal from Zelenskiy himself. This ambiguity within Ukraine’s chain of command casts a long shadow over the incident, and accusations of attempts on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s life only deepen the intrigue. The Ukrainian President was swift in denying any involvement from his country in the attack.

Washington has, however, brushed off Moscow’s assertions that the U.S. was a driving force behind the drone attack, labeling such claims as absurd.

Despite the noise and accusations, evidence from intercepted communications suggests that Ukrainian officials, including members of the military and intelligence apparatus, are expressing concern and blaming each other for the incident.

Unfolding of a hidden drama

On May 3, two drones were reported to have targeted the Kremlin’s Senate Palace, marking a chilling episode in this geopolitical drama. The U.S., despite gathering a wealth of intelligence data, is yet to arrive at a definitive conclusion on who precisely was behind the drone attack.

A possibility under consideration, based on communications intercepts, is that a Ukrainian group may have been behind the incident. Yet, there remains low confidence in this hypothesis and a belief that it is improbable that senior Ukrainian government officials, including President Zelenskiy, would have sanctioned the attack or had prior knowledge of it.

As the story continues to unfold, it is clear that the drone attack on the Kremlin has redefined the rules of the game, with the U.S. at the heart of these complex geopolitical machinations.

The incident has raised new questions about the nature of covert warfare and its potential to spark conflicts, casting long shadows over the future of peace and security in the region.

As the mystery of the Kremlin drone attack continues to unravel, one thing is becoming increasingly clear – the stakes for the U.S., Ukraine, and Russia are higher than ever.

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Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/us-accuses-ukraine-of-kremlin-drone-attack/