Кардано NFT Колона: Кардано за Пакистан

Оваа недела гостин на Колона Cardano NFT is a completely voluntary charity fundraising campaign to support the 33 million+ victims of the devastating floods ravaging Pakistan: Cardano For Pakistan.

Гостин од минатата недела беше event-based project focused on puzzles, cryptography and internet sleuthing.

Оваа иницијатива е референтна точка за NFT на Кардано и секоја недела или две ќе поканиме некој да одговори на некои прашања и да ни даде ажурирање директно од заедницата Кардано.

Имајќи предвид дека многу наши читатели се нови за крипто просторот, ќе имаме а мешавина од едноставни и технички прашања.

Cardano NFT project: Cardano For Pakistan

Cardano For Pakistan
Cardano NFT project Cardano For Pakistan is doing a fundraising campaign to support Pakistan

Еј, мило ми е што те имам овде. Ве молиме преставете го вашиот тим, од каде сте, какво потекло имате?

Zushan: Еј сите, Zushan here. Based in Австралија, роден и израснат во Дубаи, but originally Пакистански. I’ve been in CNFTs since the get go, and running ADA NinjaZ since September 2021, with my mates and team. I used to work in academia and government prior to going full-time in this space.

Макс: Hey my name is Макс. 25 and I am based in Швајцарија but born and raised in Велика Британија! Been in space since 2021 and founded Universe25 Fudbuddies with a bunch of  friends. I used to be a креативен директор by trade before dedicating my time fully to Web3.

What is Cardano For Pakistan? Who’s creating the art?

Zushan: Cardano for Pakistan is a completely voluntary charity fundraising campaign that involves a range of different creators from the Кардано НФТ space, to support the 33 million+ victims of the devastating floods ravaging Pakistan.

Има minimal media coverage or attention on this front, but 1/3rd of the nation is submerged under water, and deaths are taking place on a daily basis. Everyone involved with Cardano for Pakistan is essentially working to support and help those affected.

There are several artists on board, including, but not limited to V (ADA NinjaZ), Флавио (Universe 25), Lucky One (Lucky Planet), Mac CC (Cardano Casino, Project 2090, Boss Dao) masa (Cyberbots) Henry TG, Bung King, Розова кралица, Victor Warr, Joseph Miranda, SYIOK, Mosie, Kimosabe Art, Olie (SpaceBudz), ADA Army, Cozmos (Pendulum) Sampoo, ExeDeb (Curse NFT) and more.

All of these incredible artists have taken the time out from their very busy schedules to create amazing art pieces that will be minted by the top donors as NFTs. Each artist is creating 1 piece of art, with 5 colour variations.

Additionally, Max from Universe 25 and myself (Zushan from ADA NinjaZ) are project managing the campaign, Со Aly injector од Продавница за JPG Тара supporting us on the marketing front.

We’ve been quite fortunate to also receive support and backing from НМКР & Агенција LE4F, who will be providing our minting solutions, и развој на предниот дел, соодветно.

There are a few other businesses in the space who are interested in backing us and also donating, that we’ll be announcing shortly

When will it be possible to send donations? And how does the donation process work?

Zushan: We hope for donations to be live by Monday, 19th September. There will be a donation button on the Cardano For Pakistan website, where you will be able to donate anything above 15 ADA.

For every donation, you will receive a “Receipt” NFT made by the amazing Henry TG.

Cardano For Pakistan
Receipt NFT for donors made by the amazing Henry TG

Покрај тоа, top donors will receive 1 of the 100-150 NFTs at random.

We are going to donate all the funds до Savepakistan.crypto, an initiative led by the Tayaba organisation in Pakistan, that acts as a crypto aggregator, and has hundreds of different organisations they are in touch with, on the ground, in Pakistan. 

Тие се способни да ascertain that the money is used in the right manner and delivered directly to the people who need it most.

What is the situation in Pakistan? What are people going through and what can be done to help them?

Макс: Currently Pakistan is paying a massive price for our global climate change. The flood has caused a potential economical loss of $30B, besides the economical loss that Pakistan will need to recover from, we are seeing over 6.4M people being left behind with inadequate access to basic needs such as housing, food, water, medical aid, etc

Even once the flood has cleared, it may take years for Pakistan to fully recover from this catastrophe. We hope that beyond just donating, people understand that global warming has an impact on humans. This isn’t about who causes climate change or who is responsible for it, but rather accepting that we are part of a generation that has to do what we can to fight climate change. Small changes often have the biggest impact. 

Cardano For Pakistan
Stats pertaining to the damages done by the floods in Pakistan

What advantages does blockchain technology and NFTs bring to donations? What does the process look like and how can donors be sure their money reaches the desired destination?

Макс: Personally I think this really isn’t there is any advantage from a tech perspective but rather from the perspective of a strong community! The Crypto space overall is a tight group of people that are all in the same boat wanting a brighter financial future for the next generation. Especially in Cardano people stick together and support one another to achieve that goal. 

Thanks to that mindset, projects like Cardano For Pakistan, can bring everyone together and work towards helping, regardless of tech, and what blockchain you support.
Сепак, this tech does allow us to provide contributors full transparency with how funds are moved, transferred and potentially allocated. 

This is the power that Crypto has, and this is why initiatives like ours with basically no complex infrastructure can set up a project like this and be held fully accountable by the Community. 

Wishing you good luck! Any closing comments? Where can people learn more and donate?

Макс: As simple as it may sound, a “THANK YOU” for anybody that interacted with Cardano For Pakistan во која било форма или форма. Any donation will help, and even by simply sharing the cause, you are part of the solution! <3

Одрекување: Мислењата и ставовите на интервјуираните луѓе се нивни и не мора да ги одразуваат оние на Фондацијата Кардано или ИОГ. Покрај тоа, оваа содржина е за едукативни цели, не претставува финансиски совет.

Source: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2022/09/17/cardano-nft-column-cardano-for-pakistan/