Колумна Cardano NFT: CardanoBits – The Cryptonomist

Оваа недела гостин на Колона Cardano NFT е уметнички проект за пиксели што е меѓу првите 10 илјади NFT колекции: CardanoBits.

Last week’s guest was a project that is градење на книжниот екосистем на иднината.

Оваа иницијатива е референтна точка за NFT на Кардано и секоја недела или две ќе поканиме некој да одговори на некои прашања и да ни даде ажурирање директно од заедницата Кардано.

Имајќи предвид дека многу наши читатели се нови за крипто просторот, ќе имаме а мешавина од едноставни и технички прашања.

Cardano NFT project: CardanoBits

Cardano NFT project CardanoBits is a collection of 10 thousand NFTs

Еј, мило ми е што те имам овде. Ве молиме преставете го вашиот тим, од каде сте, какво потекло имате?

Hi, the pleasure is mine! We are two systems engineers, specialized in artificial intelligence, entrepreneurs and born in Argentina. We split the tasks, so one of us takes care of the social part and the other one of the technical part.

What is CardanoBits? It seems it does take inspiration from the famous CryptoPunks NFT collection on Ethereum.

Well CardanoBits is a project that was originally born as a marketplace for NFTs in Cardano (so the name), but since at the time we started to put it together there was not even the possibility of having NFTs in Cardano, we decided to make a twist and create the first collection of NFTs that existed.

We love pixel art. In fact, part of the impulse to study systems engineering was to create games, so if we were going to make a collection of “art”, it had to be in our favorite style. I personally did all the designs.

CryptoPunks was a great inspiration, not because of the style (although it seemed otherwise) but because it was the first digital art collection ever created.

Three pieces from the CardanoBits collection

CardanoBits are getting lower parts to get ready for the metaverse. Will it be possible to use Cbits to walk around the different metaverse projects building on Cardano? Tell us more about this and other things in store for the project.

Yes, exactly! Based on the fact that the community, for several months, asked us to make a пазар (like SpaceBudz, for example), we decided to focus on developing it.

Taking advantage of the capabilities of паметни договори, we are adding to the new site a functionality to be able to see the #cbits that each person has in their wallet and, after the minting of the lower parts, they can see directly on our website how the complete CardanoBit would look like, besides being able to download it in its 2D version… and also in the near future its 3D version.

The idea of this is that people can connect to the different metaverses (either 2D or 3D) and use their favorite CardanoBits as avatars

I believe this is the way to build a collaborative future, instead of creating our own metaverse.

Three lower parts that will allow CardanoBits to be used in the metaverse

Can you share your thoughts about the current NFT and metaverse space on Cardano? Do you have any projects you’re keeping an eye on? Perhaps for future collaborations?

I think we are at a very early stage, not only in Cardano but in all existing Blockchains with respect to the metaverse. I estimate that in two or three years we are going to have functional metaverses, and what is going to give the big push is for large companies and brands to acquire land to offer digital and unique experiences, using the capabilities of non-fungible tokens.

NFTs on Cardano are very well designed at an architectural level, as they are created as native tokens on the network, rather than being contracts (as for example in Ethereum). I feel this gives a lot of flexibility for downstream uses.

Well, the metaverse projects I am personally following are: Глина нација, Beyond Rockets Виртуа. There are several floating around, but I try to base myself on the ones that get good business deals and show constant development

Thank you kindly for your contribution. Any final words? Where can people learn more?

I think the work you are doing is very good and I feel it gives the NFTs space in Cardano more visibility, so thank you very much for it.

За да дознаете повеќе, можете да ја посетите нашата Twitter and also we will soon have the new version of our .

See you in the networks, cheers!

Одрекување: Мислењата и ставовите на интервјуираните луѓе се нивни и не мора да ги одразуваат оние на Фондацијата Кардано или ИОГ. Покрај тоа, оваа содржина е за едукативни цели, не претставува финансиски совет.

Source: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2022/08/27/cardano-nft-column-cardanobits/