Најдобриот NFT пазар на Кардано, продавницата за JPG, објави планови за зајакнување на повеќе уметници на глобално ниво

JPG Store ги подобрува јазичните преводи на својата страница за да обезбеди полесен пристап за меѓународни уметници да создаваат NFT за глобалната заедница на купувачи.

JPG Store

[ ГЛОБАЛ ] – 28 февруари 2023 година – Today, JPG.Store announced the launch of Language Localization, a feature that improves the quality of the site’s translations for the benefit of its global community. This feature launch is part of a larger strategy aimed at providing the non-English speaking world with equal access to opportunity in the NFT economy. With the cost of minting an NFT on Cardano averaging less than $1, the JPG Team is excited about their language efforts to attract and support more creators globally, especially those previously priced out by blockchains with expensive gas fees.

„Ние сме страсни да создадеме што повеќе можности за што можеме сите креатори“, изјави Блејклок Браун, извршен директор на JPG Store. „Ние со гордост исплативме милиони хонорари на нашите сегашни креатори на NFT, но оваа огромна можност треба да им припадне на Сите луѓе. Елиминирањето на јазичните бариери е само мал дел од нашите возбудливи планови за бескрајно зајакнување на меѓународните уметници и колекционери“.

To ensure users receive high-quality translations which update quickly, JPG Store now uses a global team of human linguists paired with advanced machine language technology to craft the site’s translations. The first languages to be supported are Japanese, Korean, Chinese (Simp), Portuguese, French, and Spanish (LatAm). JPG Store engineers have also developed an auto-translating Discord bot to ensure users of all languages receive the same high-quality customer service the support team is widely recognized for. 

“We strive to hire the best minds we can find, so we’re a highly diverse team ourselves,” commented Shannon Brown, co-founder of JPG Store. “We proudly come from over 15 different countries, so nurturing NFT adoption and opportunity globally is something we deeply value on a personal level.”

In a little over a year since launch, JPG Store has catalyzed Cardano’s NFT industry to reach over $477M in total sales, handling 97% of the blockchain’s current NFT volume. With recent launches of Новиот Djed Stablecoin на Coti Протоколот за позајмување DeFi на Liqwid attracting outside liquidity to Cardano, the JPG team anticipates NFT trading volume to grow alongside its maturing DeFi ecosystem. At time of writing, Cardano ranks as the 4th largest NFT blockchain by volume over the last 30 days.

За JPG Store:

JPG Store is Cardano’s #1 NFT Marketplace. We believe in people, planet, & purpose before profit. We believe in endlessly supporting all creators globally. We believe in supporting creator royalties. We believe in ќе. Join us in our mission to create a brighter future for all. C’mon, don’t be shy. We’ve got art, hippos, and a top-notch community🤌 Кликнете овде за да видите кои сме ние и што можеме да направиме за вас.


Хуан Веитимила

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Source: https://coindoo.com/jpg-store-announces-plans-to-empower-more-artists-globally/