Финансиски гигант Fidelity Files Апликации за заштитен знак за NFT Marketplace во Metaverse

Fidelity Investments has filed a trademark application that reveals the financial services giant’s plans for the metaverse and digital collectibles.

On digital collectibles, Fidelity Investments says in the апликација за трговски марки dated December 21st that it plans to offer an “online marketplace for buyers and sellers of digital media, namely, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) featuring textual and graphic content.”

Fidelity also plans to offer NFTs, according to the trademark application.

The legacy finance giant further says that it plans to provide some of the financial services it already offers in the metaverse such as investment management.

“Mutual fund investment services in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;

Retirement fund investment services in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;

Investment management services in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;

Financial planning in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;

Securities brokerage services in the metaverse and other virtual worlds; money management in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;

Financial analysis in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;

Investment management in the field of private placement of securities in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;

Investment management in the field of initial public offerings in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;”

According to the trademark application, Fidelity Investments also plans to provide metaverse-related information and consultancy services to other players in the financial sector.

“Providing business information to financial service providers by means of an internet website, in the field of business marketing in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;

Referral services in the field of investment advice and financial planning in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;

Personnel placement and recruiting services in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;

Consulting services in the field of marketing financial services in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;

Marketing services rendered to members of the financial services industry, namely, creating and designing promotional materials for use by financial service providers and assisting financial service providers to develop their own marketing plans, and to implement their own direct mail campaigns, advertising campaigns and public relations campaigns in the metaverse and other virtual worlds;

Promoting public awareness of the need for investment planning in the metaverse and other virtual worlds…”

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Избрана слика: Shutterstock/Алберто Андреј Росу

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/12/28/financial-giant-fidelity-files-trademark-applications-for-nft-marketplace-in-the-metaverse/