Играта на Солана стартува на ImmutableX, Polkadot Inks 10% Rally, додека протоколот Snowfall објаснува зошто NFT вкрстениот синџир е важен развој

Solana (SOL) and Polkadot (DOT) are renowned cryptocurrencies in the market. However, a new crypto project, Протокол за снежни врнежи (SNW), has emerged as a tough competitor.

Investors are keen to know whether it will outperform the top cryptocurrencies in the future. Check out the details given below, on these crypto projects.

Solana (SOL) promotes its new game’s features; the price surges 4.59%

Solana (SOL) announced the launch of its game, Tiny Colony, on ImmutableX. Solana (SOL) developers claimed that Tiny Colony would be more secure and accessible with a low-entry barrier. The new game will also enable faster transactions. Solana (SOL) has also agreed to rebrand its game, Tiny Colony, to Tinyverse, once it gets live on ImmutableX. Solana (SOL) holders and players will experience gas-free trading on Tinyverse, allowing 9000 transactions per second.

Solana (SOL) developers designed the new game features to provide improved accessibility and security to Web3 gamers. Arshia Navabi, the co-founder of Tiny Colony, showed faith in the Solana (SOL) and ImmutableX partnership, and ensured a positive future for the project. Additionally, Solana (SOL) holders and investors have also shown their support for new game development. Solana (SOL) is selling at a live price of $23.27, which is 4.59% up within a day.

Polkadot (DOT) becomes a software platform while its price crossed $5 mark

Polkadot (DOT) continues to face several uncertainties regarding its trading price. In fact, the project went through multiple violations and sharp market corrections. However, the Polkadot (DOT) community believes the platform is in a good position and has the potential to rise this year.

Polkadot (DOT) has turned its identity from security to a software platform.

Analysts predict international governments may apply new regulations on buying, selling, owning, and trading after the FTX scam. Platforms that still function as security might become the target of these strict regulations. This will hinder cryptocurrencies from broadening their network space.

However, Polkadot (DOT) has secured itself from any such risk as it is a software platform. Thus, Polkadot (DOT) will not get impacted by the landscape-changing development.

Though Polkadot (DOT) is secured from any changes that can halt its growth, its price charts haven’t been positive. It showed a 10% rally earlier, but the current Polkadot (DOT) price is merely $5.93, which is 2.28% down within the past 24 hours.

Snowfall Protocol (SNW) states the need for NFT cross-chain today

Snowfall Protocol (SNW) developers believe in the potential of NFT cross-chain in expanding the accessibility and reach of NFTs. The project’s Twitter community often shares its opinion on cross-chain solutions.

The cross-chain solutions improve the interoperability level on Snowfall Protocol’s (SNW) network. Thus, it allows users to transfer assets between blockchains of their choice seamlessly. The NFT cross-chain system also enhances liquidity on Snowfall Protocol (SNW). Improved NFT liquidity allows holders to buy and sell NFTs easily.

Главната цел на Протокол за снежни врнежи (SNW) is to build a unified ecosystem where people can access various chains and tokens without needing to create their accounts on each chain. Snowfall Protocol (SNW) acts as an efficient shared network, allowing users from other chains to connect with each other.

The cross-chain capabilities of Snowfall Protocol (SNW) have gained traction among investors. It has successfully closed 2 presales, with the final presale stage ongoing. Snowfall Protocol (SNW) is available at $0.182, which is expected to grow 1000x in the upcoming months. So, join Snowfall Protocol (SNW) presale today, and don’t miss out on incredible profits.

влезете додека можете и инвестирајте во Snowfall Protocol (SNW) денес!!!

Препродажба: https://presale.snowfallprotocol.io

Веб-страница: https://snowfallprotocol.io

Телеграма: https://t.me/snowfallcoin

Твитер: https://twitter.com/snowfallcoin

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/01/20/solanas-game-launches-on-immutablex-polkadot-inks-10-rally-while-snowfall-protocol-explains-why-nft-cross-chain-is-an-important-development/