Интервјуто со NFT уметникот Паола Пина

As претходно најавено, Криптономот и Немесис го зацврстија своето партнерство со лансирањето на прво ток-шоу во метаверс

Arriving at the third episode, today’s interview is with NFT artist Паола Пина.

The Nemesis & The Cryptonomist: нови интервјуа со метаверс и NFT

Немезис веќе беше партнер Криптономист за неколку настани и интервјуа одржани во виртуелен режим, и сега ќе биде домаќин на оваа иновативна иницијатива во својот метаверс.

Ток шоуто ќе опфати различни теми кои се движат од крипто до дигитална уметност до светот на NFT. Секоја недела ќе има гости во виртуелната дневна соба подготвени да разговараат за најновите вести од оваа област. 

With the realization of this innovative project, The Cryptonomist and The Nemesis lay the foundation for what may be the future of communication and edutainment, confirming once again that they are forerunners in the field. 

Who is artist Paola Pinna

A 3D digital artist, Paola Pinna was born in Cagliari, Sardinia. After completing her studies in Fine Art Digital at Camberwell College of Arts in London, she returned to Italy where she has been working as an artist, exhibiting both online and globally. Paola has also been part of the crypto art world since early 2021.

Since 2020 she has also been involved in creative commercial projects, collaborating with brands such as Vogue, Warner Bros Music, Adidas and many more.

Paola’s work explores what it means to be human today, focusing on different aspects of the relationship between humans and technology, showing a fascination with new ways of conceiving life, spirituality, the metaverse, and identity in the age of technological progress.

Paola has exhibited all over the world, stretching from Los Angeles to Dusseldorf, including Milan, London, New York, and Austin.

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Source: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2022/11/06/interview-nft-artist-paola-pinna/