WazirX го затвора пазарот NFT без да каже никому

The WazirX Пазар на NFT has been closed down without warning to its artists or customers.

The marketplace, a project once marketed as India’s најдобро не може да се забранува token (NFT) marketplace, has closed its operations. The team or the founders made no public announcement or communications regarding sunsetting the platform.

Вреди да се напомене дека последен твит from the WazirX NFT Marketplace was on Oct. 14 2022. Also, the latest Discord најава was on Oct. 18 2022. 

WazirX NFT Marketplace official website
извор: Официјална веб-страница

The Indian exchange WazirX has been in a dispute with Binance over the ownership of the platform since last August. Earlier this month, Binance објави cutting its ties with WazirX by terminating its паричник services. Then the Indian exchange declared that it had prepared to take necessary steps to seek recourse against “false and misleading” statements from Binance.

Closure Anticipated by Artists

Yash Gawde, an NFT artist known as “Busibeast,” told BeInCrypto that the artist community expected the platform’s shutdown due to low volumes from the past few months. He is a 19-year-old verified NFT artist on WazirX whose company “Elite NFT,” was valued at over a million dollars last year.

According to Busibeast, the volume on the WazirX NFT Пазар declined as the core team left. He says, “As the team who was managing the whole platform left and started their new project the community was left on its own. So people started leaving as they were not being heard.”

Busibeast believes the platform could have turned out to be a cash machine if the team had handled it well. But, he says the WazirX team “got a new toy to play with, so they left this one.”

The beauty of Web3 is that the community is the pillar instead of any particular project. Busibeast concludes, “The platform is dead but the communities we created are сеуште жив.” He further mentions that he met his chief operating officer Manish Patole, through WazirX NFT Marketplace. 

Nischal Shetty, the co-founder of WazirX, објави Shardeum, a Слој 1 blockchain, in February 2022. Since then, the community believes that Shardeum has been the primary focus for Shetty.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/wazirx-shuts-nft-marketplace/