Колекцијата NFT на Win Trump Rewards им овозможува на корисниците да купат пристап до Доналд Трамп

A new collection called Win Trump Prizes that allows users to buy rewards related to former U.S. president Donald Trump launched on OpenSea. 

Individuals can claim a one-on-one Zoom meeting with Trump for 200 ETH ($277, 000), a gala dinner ticket for 50 ETH ($69,000), a meeting with Trump for 21.45 ETH ($30,000) and more.

The collection has trading volume of 35 ETH ($48,500) with 669 owners, OpenSea’s profile for the Win Trump Prizes collection says. 

When a separate Trump Trading Card NFT collection first launched, users were told that those who bought the $99 NFT would be entered into a sweepstakes to win rewards, such as a one-on-one with Trump. Also, if one were to purchase 45 of the NFTs, they would instantly win a gala dinner ticket with Trump. 

The Trump Trading Card NFT collection was minted on Polygon and ослободен on Dec. 15, and sold out within hours, The Block previously reported. 

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Source: https://www.theblock.co/post/201600/new-trump-nft-collection-lets-users-buy-zoom-access-to-donald-trump?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss