AAG најавува MetaOne dApp Store да понуди курирана контролна табла на…

Singapore, SG, 22nd September, 2022, Chainwire

ААГ, the Web3 infrastructure company simplifying the blockchain experience, is set to launch the MetaOne dApp Store, a curated list of projects across the ecosystem that aims to guarantee safety from scams and offer an easy way for newcomers to the industry  to discover the best of what Web3 has to offer.

The MetaOne dApp Store, at launch, will include a list of 1100 dApps in most categories (with 50+ added daily), filtering them out for quality and safety. The list aims to exclude any dApp at high risk of rug pulls, scams, or potential ponzi schemes. Users are also guaranteed to land on the right website to avoid phishing scams.

A useful feature in the MetaOne dApp Store will be informative descriptions and categorizations (e.g. type of dApp, blockchain, supported platform(s), etc.) to learn about a particular dApp. This saves time combing through docs and blog posts to understand what the dApp does. The content will be available in written and video form while also offering the latest news and events about the individual dApps.

Furthermore, the list includes a large variety of dApps that go beyond gaming and decentralized exchanges. This allows users to take advantage of all of Web3, including things they might not have known about.

The MetaOne dApp Store will also be integrated into the MetaOne wallet, allowing users to seamlessly connect their wallet directly to dApps. This is one more much-needed UX improvement for using Web3 apps.

“We’re very excited to be launching the MetaOne dApp Store, giving our wallet users a gateway into Web3 that makes their wallet more than a simple app for managing crypto assets,” said Jack Vinijtrongjit, CEO & Co-Founder at AAG. “The curated list will help users, both those new to the blockchain and OGs, navigate the rough seas of Web3, where a scam is always, unfortunately, just around the corner.”


AAG, порано AAG Ventures, е компанија за веб3 инфраструктура која се фокусира на обезбедување софтвер кој помага во поедноставување на интеракциите со блокчејн апликациите и Metaverse за мејнстрим корисници и традиционални компании. AAG обезбедува безбеден и лесен за користење крипто-паричник, како и инфраструктурен софтвер, како што е пребарувач со вкрстени синџири и GameFi SDK за претпријатија. Со верување дека образованието е клучот за отклучување на потенцијалот на web3, AAG го истражува и концептот на Learn-and-Earn со мисијата да овозможи економски можности ширум светот преку економијата на Metaverse. AAG има за цел да донесе 1 милијарда луѓе во економијата на Metaverse до 2030 година.


Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2022/09/aag-announces-metaone-dapp-store-to-offer-curated-dashboard-of-approved-safe-dapps