Aladdin Exchange претставува револуционерно ажурирање, наследете ги вашите средства!

Making a brilliant start to the New Year, Aladdin Exchange is announcing its latest feature set to revolutionize the crypto space. The exchange proudly presents the unique,  first-time-ever — Inheritance feature. This feature offers beneficiaries the never-before-seen option to access the crypto assets of the deceased.

As always the ever-distinguished cryptocurrency exchange — Aladdin, continues to astonish and delight its users as well as the entire crypto world. It is no secret that users on the platform have been expanding faster than most crypto exchanges across the globe. Indeed, the Dubai-based cryptocurrency platform is humbled and committed to meeting and exceeding the expectations of its user base.

To highlight, the new Inheritance feature is now the latest exciting feature to appear on the platform. So far, Aladdin Exchange has introduced many unique, fanciful, and ingenious innovations to its platform. More so, it is also known for its sensational demos, simulations, and events. While the brand did gain much attention over many of its events and features, the new Inheritance feature is currently in the limelight.

One of the most prominent hurdles in the crypto community has been the loss of assets along with its owner. To prevent this loss, the Inheritance feature makes its debut. Now, users on the platform have the first-ever opportunity to experience this perk. To begin, users must register or log in to access their Aladdin Exchange account and complete the verification process up to Level 4 (KYC).

Once that is done, they can begin to assign beneficiaries. This can be done by heading over to the ‘My Page’ section where users must locate ‘Add Beneficiaries’. Here, users can appoint up to 3 beneficiaries in total.

When the user is absent, the Aladdin Exchange team will refer to the name, phone number, and email provided by the user to begin contacting them. The team will reach out to them in the same order set by the user. Furthermore, the inheritance process will be executed in accordance with the implemented law, along with the consultation of an attorney.  

Lastly, to those beneficiaries who will demand the inherited assets, they must present a valid death certificate to qualify. This will ensure stronger security which further acts as another layer of verification to relinquish the assets in question. Certainly, Aladdin Exchange understands the need to provide a precaution to allow users and their loved ones to make the best of an unfortunate and unexpected situation.

For more information, stay tuned to Aladdin Exchange’s official online channels.

For more info, visit the Aladin Exchange website

For your queries: 24/7 Telegram Community

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