Аламеда имаше вештачка кредитна линија од 65 милијарди долари, 43,000% повеќе од маркетите на FTX

Неодамнешното поднесување на суд во случајот за стечај на FTX откри „задна врата од 65 милијарди долари“ меѓу Аламеда и FTX. Поднесувањето вклучува палуба со детали за тековните наоди во однос на фондовите на групата FTX.

Палубата вклучува илустрација на процесот на ликвидација на FTX заедно со примерок од код кој наводно ја претставува задна врата на Аламеда.

Додека клиентите беа автоматски ликвидирани врз основа на условите за маржа понудени од FTX, Аламеда наводно била ослободена од авто-ликвидација. Понатаму, од Аламеда не се бараше да објавува вистински колатерал за занаети. Наместо тоа, беше дозволено да се тргува со „вештачки капитал“. Доколку се докаже точно на суд, само овој прекршок би бил еден од најзначајните примери на измама во историјата.

alameda backdoor
Source: FTX Case Docket

Even more damningly, the deck also confirms the existence of a ‘god mode’ by which a small group of individuals were able to move funds off the exchange. Examples of the code for each group were illustrated via a specific “account setting code” in the exchange’s codebase.

ftx god mode
Извор: FTX docket

Seven million standard customers’ access codes were set so they could not borrow if their balances were zero. Market makers for the company had credit limits of up to $150 million. Seemingly, 4,000 market markets had credit limits up to $1 million, with a further 41 between $1 million and $150 million.

However, Alameda had access to $65 billion, some 43,000% more than the largest credit limit given to other market makers. In addition, Alameda’s credit line was categorized as a part of the ‘god mode’ that allowed special privileges. The facility also allowed Alameda to withdraw cash or crypto while having a negative balance. All of these transactions were recorded on FTX’s Amazon AWS servers.

Additionally, a “small group of individuals” had an “off AWS Ledger” transfer ability allowing them to move funds without a trace. These transfers were available across any crypto held by FTX but not cash. Users with this level of clearance had access to specific wallets’ private keys, allowing them to initiate on-chain transactions directly.

The flowchart of FTX’s AWS money flow is also illustrated within the deck. The chart below shows how funds were coming across several parties between FTX and FTX.US.

ftx aws
Извор: FTX docket

During his appearance before the House of Representatives in December, FTX CEO John Ray III опишани the financial record keeping at FTX as some of the worst he’d seen in his career and noted unacceptable management practices, including the commingling of assets and lack of internal controls

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Source: https://cryptoslate.com/alameda-had-65b-artificial-credit-line-43000-more-than-ftx-market-makers/