AWS за Web3 Pocket Network го потресува Интернетот

Pocket Network crosses significant 20,000 full-node milestones in over 23 countries.  

Pocket Network – an infrastructure middleware protocol that facilitates decentralized cloud computing and abundant bandwidth on full nodes interoperable with DApps across over 21 blockchains surpasses milestone 20,000 full nodes, answering a real and conceptual question around decentralization viability. 

Pocket Network incentivizes a global community of independent node operators and service providers running over 21,000 full nodes adding to the network’s resilience.

Pocket Network is secured by over $320 million worth of network infrastructure distributed globally across 23 countries and reduces the risk of service downtime to near zero for any layer 1 or industry DApps as work is distributed evenly across thousands of full nodes, which also protects end users’ privacy. 

Pocket Network, which last week closed a strategic round led by Republic Capital, RockTree Capital, Arrington Capital, is undergoing exponential growth as demand for its network measured in API calls or relays jumped to 5.78 billion relays in December, up 44% From November 2021.

„Pocket е првиот двигател, менувајќи ја играта како основна инфраструктура за Web3 револуцијата“, рече Омер Озден, извршен директор на RockTree Capital „За оние кои го бараат следниот прв двигател со висок раст како AWS или Ethereum, можете да видите транспарентно на синџирот параболичниот раст на вистинската употреба и на реалните приходи на Pocket Network. Метриката беше супер импресивна и со нетрпение очекуваме зголемувањето што ќе го донесе 2022 година“.

Pocket Network has generated $56m revenue in December up from $29m in November and currently supports over 2000+ DApps run across its network which is integrated with Solana along with Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, Binance, Harmony, Gnosis (formerly xDai), Fuse and many more. 

“There is increased investment in public, open-source infrastructure through crypto networks that continue to chip away at the dominance of today’s providers, reducing them to commodities,” said Michael O’Rourke, CEO at Pocket Network “Our attractive economic flywheel model for our network is simple and naturally drives growth – attractive node running incentives adds more nodes which in turn creates more redundancy and better DApp service experience, more DApp usage then generates more node revenue.” 

Pocket meaningfully encourages and incentivizes niche cloud providers which commercially have been less viable over the last decade with massively well-known incumbents dominating the traditional market, and aims to provide Web3 with a much more compatible infrastructure network. 

За Pocket Network 

Pocket Network, блокчејн податочен екосистем за Web3 апликации, е платформа изградена за апликации кои користат економична економија за координација и дистрибуција на податоци во обем.

It enables seamless and secure interactions between blockchains and across applications. With Pocket, the use of blockchains can be simply integrated into websites, mobile apps, IoT, and more, giving developers the freedom to put blockchain-enabled applications into the “pocket” of every mainstream consumer.

For more information, visit their website.

RockTree Capital, a merchant bank and fund based in China focused on blockchain projects and mobile e-commerce companies, with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, New York, and Toronto.

RockTree Capital invests into top-tier blockchain projects and accelerates its growth in Asia.

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