Бајден: СВБ, извршните директори со потпис ќе бидат отпуштени

Banks need more regulatory oversight, President Biden said during an address Monday morning about the recent closure of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. 

The government has taken control over these institutions and no losses will be put on taxpayers, Biden said during the roughly four-minute говор

“Every American should feel confident that their deposits will be there, if and when they need,” Biden said. “Second, the management of these banks will be fired.” 

Investors and banks will not be protected, according to Biden. 

“They knowingly took a risk,” he said. “When the risk didn’t pay off, investors lose the money. That’s how capitalism works.” 

There are “important questions” about how SVB and Signature found themselves in this position, the president said — problems his administration has signaled they’re working on addressing. 

Biden did not take questions, leaving the podium as one press member asked for more clarity about why this crisis happened. The live feed was then cut. 

The speech comes a day after US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome Powell, and FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg said Sunday they are taking action to protect the US economy by strengthening public confidence in the banking system.

Неуспехот на банката Силиконската долина, лоцирана во Санта Клара, Калифорнија, треба да се реши на начин што целосно ќе ги заштити сите штедачи, на кои ќе им биде дозволен пристап до нивните пари почнувајќи од 13 март, соопштија регулаторите во изјава Sunday evening.

“After receiving a recommendation from the boards of the FDIC and the Federal Reserve, and consulting with the President, Secretary Yellen approved actions enabling the FDIC to complete its resolution of Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, California, in a manner that fully protects all depositors,” the statement said. 

The closure of the banks prompted widespread fear across the crypto industry. Stablecoin USDC dropped to its lowest price ever over the weekend, more than 10 cents below its dollar peg. Circle said Sunday its “$3.3B USDC reserve deposit held at Silicon Valley Bank, about 8% of the USDC total reserve, will be fully available when U.S. banks open Monday morning.” 

„Довербата, безбедноста и откупот 1:1 на целиот USDC во оптек е од огромно значење за Circle, дури и во услови на зараза од банки што влијае на крипто-пазарите“, рече ко-основачот и извршен директор на Circle Џереми Алер ​​во изјава

„Ние сме среќни кога гледаме дека американската влада и финансиските регулатори преземаат клучни чекори за да ги ублажат ризиците кои се протегаат од банкарскиот систем“.

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Source: https://blockworks.co/news/biden-svb-signature-execs-fired