Binance го лансираше порталот Airdrop за сеопфатно корисничко искуство

Leading exchange Binance recently launched a dedicated Airdrop Portal that keeps track of all supported tokens. 

Binance has announced the launch of an Airdrop Portal, which shows an overview of airdrops supported by the crypto exchange. With this new initiative, the Binance community can now keep abreast of the latest progress regarding airdrops. The one-stop Binance Airdrop Portal also provides comprehensive information on all available tokens hosted on the Portal. Available details include the Airdrop Period, Snapshot Time, Token Status, and Mode of Operation.

Although Binance pledges to continually update the Airdrop Portal, the platform already boasts a sizable collection of ‘airdroppable’ tokens. These include Flare (FLR), Origin Dollar Governance (OGV), Terra (LUNA), Edgeware (EDG), Sologenic (SOLO), Boba Token (BOBA), KeyFi (KEYFI), and Mettalex (MTLX). Furthermore, each listed token has a dedicated “Learn More” page that apprises users of additional information regarding the respective airdrop schedules.

Binance Airdrop Portal Announcement Follows Turkish Earthquake Development

The dedicated Binance Airdrop Portal comes on the heels of the exchange’s announced airdrop support to Turkish earthquake victims. In a February 7th блог пост, Binance pledged to airdrop $100 in BNB tokens to the ravaged Middle Eastern country. Binance founder and chief executive officer Changpeng Zhao commented on the remedial development, saying:

„Неодамнешните земјотреси во Турција имаа разорно влијание врз толку многу луѓе и заедници. Се надеваме дека нашите напори ќе донесат одредено олеснување за погодените. Ние, исто така, ги повикуваме нашите врсници од индустријата уште еднаш да се соберат за да понудат поддршка во овие кризни времиња“.

According to the exchange, identifying eligible uses would require vetting the Proof of Address (POA) submissions made in 10 affected cities. However, Binance also added that the POAs under consideration are those made before February 6th.

The affected Turkish cities include Osmaniye, Şanlıurfa, Malatya, Kilis, Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Adana, Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, and Gaziantep.

Binance acknowledged inherent limitations in the POA method but admitted that it posed the best available method for locating impacted users. Furthermore, the exchange estimated the total value of estimated donations to be around $5 million USD, or 94,000,000 Turkish lira (TRY). The announcement also revealed the setting up of a public donation address by Binance Charity.

Users can donate to the Emergency Earthquake Appeal via various digital currencies, including Bitcoin (БТК), Етер (ЕТХ), и Binance Coin (БНБ). All received donations would go toward government-vetted NGOs in Turkey as well as other hands-on major humanitarian NGOs.

Other organizations within the crypto ecosystem also pledged support for victims of the Turkish earthquake. For instance, Bitget објави a 1 million Turkish lira ($53,000) commitment to the cause on February 6th.

Crypto Transfer as Aid to Disaster Victims

Binance views the airdrop strategy as a quick and effective way to get funds across to the frontlines of the disaster. Following natural disasters, the platform opined that victims often lose access to traditional banking, thus lacking requisite funds. However, crypto transfers have seen increased usage in such dire situations to deliver financial aid to disaster victims.

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