Bit2Me Exchange лансира дебитна картичка со до 9% враќање на готовина

Bit2Me, the first company recognized by the Bank of Spain as a virtual currency service provider,  has launched a Mastercard debit card, becoming the first crypto exchange to offer as much as 9% cash-back on payments.

Presently working across the Mastercard system network, the Bit2Me debit card enables crypto payments at over 90 million merchant stores globally. It is also compatible with mobile devices, thus allowing users to make seamless payments from all NFC-enabled phones and smartwatches.

Bit2Me incorporates an advanced technology that facilitates wallet switching at all times. This feature allows users to make payments with the premier cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies at any time. All online or offline payments will be eligible to receive a whopping 9% cash-back in the form of various cryptocurrencies.

The Bit2Me card not only enables, fast, secure, and seamless payments at merchants’ stores globally but also facilitates both online payments and ATM withdrawals. Furthermore, the card comes with novel software that allows users to effortlessly integrate with mobile payment systems and make payments without a physical card at any outlet that supports contactless payments.

Bit2Me introduces high-grade security systems combined with an array of exciting features, including, but not limited to, NFC support, instant card lock in times of emergencies, and personalized usage limits. Bit2Me is working continuously to improve existing features and deploy new ones to be rolled out in the coming months.

Bit2Me Andrei Manuel
Bit2Me Andrei Manuel

COO and co-founder of Bit2Me, Andrei Manuel, reveals the mantra behind the push to offer a product that tailors to both sides of the financial spectrum, stating that:

„Нашата мисија е да ја доближиме употребата на криптовалути до сите. Bit2Me картичката ви овозможува лесно и брзо да ги користите вашите криптовалути во вашиот секојдневен живот. Можете да користите криптовалути, како што е Биткоин, или стабилни, како што е USDT, во физички или онлајн продавници“.

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The Bit2Me card supports eight cryptocurrencies, including BTC, XRP, ADA, ETH, USDT, BTM, SOL, ДОТ. Thanks to its advanced technology, users can easily switch between cryptocurrencies, allowing them to pay with their preferred crypto. According to the team, plans are underway to add more cryptocurrencies to the wallet before the end of 2023.

Bit2Me картичка
Bit2Me картичка

Speaking on the impact of the card and how it was built, CEO and co-founder of Bit2Me, Leif Ferreira имаше ова да се каже;

„Десетици професионалци беа вклучени во овој проект и по две години работа, го најдовме клучот за поврзување на криптовалутите со мрежата за плаќање Mastercard. За да го направиме ова, моравме да го измениме протокот на трансакции (кој е дел од меѓународниот протокол за плаќање со картички) за да можат клиентите да користат криптовалути за да плаќаат инстантно и транспарентно за бизнисите. Покрај тоа, успеавме да додадеме до 9% готовина за купување“.

на Bit2Me card is a perfect blend of the decentralized crypto world and traditional financial institutions. It expands on the best of these worlds to deliver a secure, fast, transparent, yet highly rewarding debit card for every user’s payment needs.

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