Cardano Dex Ravendex го лансираше ISPO пред објавувањето на Testnet

Со текот на годините, Cardano се појави како еден од најсилните и најефикасните крипто проекти во нејзината релевантна индустрија и покрај тоа што сè уште нема работен DApp.

One of the things missing within the Cardano ecosystem is its own native decentralized exchange. another budding crypto project intends to set the records straight by building the world’s first completely decentralized exchange platform on the Cardano ecosystem.

Ravendex does not require an introduction as the platform has successfully made a name for itself since the previous year after announcing its project launch through a post on the popular bitcointalk forum.

Во моментов, постојат неколку проекти базирани на Кардано активни на пазарот и секој од нив цели на различен тип на публика. Но, нема таков како Равендекс, бидејќи тие се првиот проект што целосно го искористува екосистемот Кардано (АДА).

When fully launched, Ravendex would have many Novel Features that would increase the adoption and Total Value Locked on Cardano Ecosystem as they are currently developing a Decentralized Exchange, IDO Launchpad, Staking and lending platform where users can borrow by collateralizing assets.

There is significant potential in Ravendex to quickly grow into one of the biggest decentralized exchange platforms but working entirely for the Cardano ecosystem. Reasons Why Ravendex is Unique:

  • Ravendex will offer a unique and easy to use DEX for Cardano Native Tokens to be traded in a safe and decentralised manner. Ravendex would materialise as a decentralised platform where users can exchange and even trade Cardano native tokens without having to worry about security complications.
  • Native assets lending protocol that allows users depositing Volatile assets in a contract to access loans of Stable Coins. This functionality open doors to a plethora of DeFi mechanisms.
  • Ravendex team is also eyeing the exclusive NFT industry which has taken the world by surprise in a remarkable way. Holding $RAVE token, the native currency on Ravendex will provide users with the opportunity to earn more $RAVE by staking and yield farming and even obtain rare NFTs. Which will have real utility.
  • Ravendex also features a Cardano Native Token Staking Platform where users can Stake Their $Rave tokens to earn more rewards in $RAVE. This will subsequently be able to accept not just Rave but any Cardano Native token.
  • The increasing demand for the NFTs and the need for a reliable NFT marketplace has also been taken into account by the Ravendex team. This is why Ravendex is preparing for its brand new NFT marketplace open for all $RAVE holders. Users who own $RAVE can list their own NFTs, put a price tag on them, and proceed to sell them.
  • Ravendex ISPO will be coming up shortly as ADA holders can be able to Stake Their ADA to RAVEP pool to earn rewards In ADA & $RAVE.
  • An ISPO is a new fundraising mechanism that allows delegators of a Proof-of-Stake (POS) network to divert staking rewards towards a project of their choice and get project tokens in return. ISPOs are only possible on the Cardano blockchain because of its unique stake pool delegation structure.

Равендекс ќе го користи новиот иновативен модел за прибирање финансиски средства за дефи, Initial Stake Pool Offerings (ISPOs).

Delegators who wish to stake their ADA and earn rewards in both ADA & $RAVE when the ISPO kicks off can do so by staking their ADA to RAVEPStake pool.

Од времето кога беше лансиран, Равендекс достигна неколку пресвртници, вклучително и наведување на токен $RAVE на BitMart и P2pb2b.

Ravendex token will be available for trading right after the BitMart listing. In order to celebrate this significant listing, Ravendex has announced an event NFT drop during which $RAVE holders can mint NFTs exclusively.

Кога се отвора ковањето, држачите на $RAVE можат да ги коваат NFT-овите со испраќање одредена количина $RAVE на адресата во барањата за пердуви за да се отсече $RAVE NFT, Колку што испраќате повисоко Rave, толку повеќе NF-и добивате.

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