Класично! „Clash Royale“ е рекреиран со официјалното лансирање на Dragon Master

In March 2016, Clash Royale was officially launched to the world. This game which combines elements from the collectible card, tower defense, and the multiplayer online battle is still considered a classic by most players due to its strategy gameplay, which is rather impressive.

Со возбудата на метаверс, игрите Play-To-Earn (P2E), кои сочинуваат еден од главните елементи на метаверзумот, го привлекоа вниманието на јавноста во последниве години. 

P2E model is verified as feasible because virtual asset ownership in games has been solved by blockchain.

Meanwhile, the ever-expanding P2E blockchain game is varying thanks to experienced game developers who integrate traditional games with the P2E model and improve continuously.

Меѓу сите блокчејн игри „класични + P2E“, Dragon Master, создаден од студиото Magic Hat, официјално беше лансиран на 21 март. Класичната игра слична на Clash Royale им се враќа на сите играчи.

За искуството на играта, Dragon Master, игра со елементи на собирање, подигање, одбрана, унапредување и MOBA, им ја носи на играчите блискоста и епиката на Clash Royale.

“In fact, our inspiration for creating Dragon Master began with Clash Royale,” said Lucas Adams, one of the team leaders of Magic Hat. “Clash Royale is a classic game with appealing gameplay that requires players to buy card packs, and then build decks to battle.

However, we think there is improving space in this traditional gameplay. Our idea is that everything the players put into the game ultimately generates real investment value for him or them.

Just as in the real world, you can increase the value of your capital by investing stock or real estate. So, an idea of fighting for players’ rights and the traditional gameplay of Clash Royale are constantly colliding and grinding together, resulting in what is now Dragon Master, and its multiple NFTs.”

Adams shared the main design idea of Dragon Master NFT which is ‘Game First, then Defi’.

За играта на DragonMaster, таа е првата игра на Metaverse базирана на блокчејн која ги спојува RTS, MOBA, Collection и Play-to-Earn.

The land system will be introduced in the future, allowing players to freely develop their own hometowns, defend against opponents through appropriate deployment, empower themselves through battles and resource plundering, and engage in group engagements.

Adams introduced that players need to build their own teams to fight with others through NFT, which is a variety of dragon as components. The NFT can be used in addition to the game, but also constantly bring players profits.

Создаден е сет на NFT-и на змејови кои играчите можат да ги добијат преку случајно размножување. Играчите кои ќе го соберат целиот сет може да повикаат „Legend Dragon“ со бонус дивиденда (паметен договор).

Легендата на змејот може да ги дели приходите на пазарот на DragonMaster, при што приходите од дневните такси од трансакции (ETH) автоматски се исплаќаат во паричникот на играчот секој ден преку паметниот договор.

In the whitepaper, they introduced a method to solve the NFT inflation problem:

“NFT inflation is a problem that most games encounter, and we’re working on solutions. There might be normal breeding and mutation breeding. And the concept of ‘combined skill’ called mutation is introduced based on the dragon features.

In normal breeding, one egg with random basic skill is produced by two-parent dragons. In mutation breeding, a second skill can be unlocked to the egg by chance, and the parent dragons would be sacrificed in the process. In this case, one rare dragon with two skills is produced by consuming two dragons, and the second skill is heritable.

Thus, the problem of NFTs inflation can be solved by 1+1=1.”

Адамс вели дека во раните фази на проектот, Dragon Master NFT ќе биде управуван од главниот тим на Magic Hat и тој очекува дека членовите на заедницата ќе можат да учествуваат повеќе во иднина, што бара управувањето на DAO да продолжи напред.

Finally, Adams shared the future vision. DragonMaster will grow from a blockchain-based P2E game to a Dragon Metaverse featuring virtual characters, residences, even careers. Artists and developers will be able to earn the DMT rewards in the late future.

At the later stage of the project, it will implement a fully decentralized DAO governance, with community members choosing the development and operation teams.

It is worth mentioning that, as a dark horse project in the blockchain game circle, Dragon Master has recently become the focus of many game guilds.

IndiGG(IGG), a sub-DAO of Yield Guild Games(YGG) being built in association with Polygon to create a P2E gaming hub within India, announced its cooperation with Dragon Master, which became the first project of IGG to support the P2E model and helped IGG to expand the Indian market.

Moreover, as the quality NFT project and Polygon’s partner, Dragon Master received funding from Polygon Studio, which is responsible for blockchain game and NFT under Polygon.

Веб-страница https://dragonmaster.co 

Твитер: https://twitter.com/dragonmaster_co

Раздор https://discord.gg/dragonmaster

Source: https://coinpedia.org/press-release/clash-royale-is-recreated-by-dragon-masters-official-launch/