Носителот на Dogecoin оживува 2 милиони DOGE паричник по 9 години мирување

  • Whale Alert reported that a user with over 2 million worth of DOGE resurrected their wallet on February 5.
  • The holdings amount to a total of $186,364 at the time of writing.
  • Santiment confirmed that there is sudden activity is not widespread.

A Догекоин [ДОГЕ] holder owning more than 2 million meme token revived the dormant wallet on 5 February after 9.1 years, reported Whale Alert.  As of the writing of this article, the holdings are worth $186,364.

DOGE’s value was roughly $0.00022 nine years ago, which is very low compared to its current value of $0.09. This was a clear indication that the holder had reaped enormous rewards from his or her unshakeable belief in the coin.

Платформа за крипто аналитика Податоци за сантимента showed that the surge in activity from this specific wallet did not spread widely since the nine-year dormant circulation had decreased to 117,000.

However, it is important to note that the metric experienced considerable increases in November 2022. A number of dormant holders emerged from inert as a result of the growth within the time frame described above.

The same was true during the previous 365 days when dormant circulation fell to 729,000.

DOGE’s dormant circulation (5 years vs 365 days)

Despite the decline in dormancy, the number of активни адреси on the Dogecoin chain increased during the past week.

The number of users that have sent or received an asset through a network is represented by the active addresses. Therefore, the growth shows that the Dogecoin ecosystem’s system of transactions was highly functional.

While circulation increased over the previous seven days, the last 24 hours were a different story. The circulation identifies the volume of distinctive assets exchanged over a time period.

As a result, the drop indicated that new addresses had not boarded the DOGE train. So, Dogecoin long-term holders carried out the majority of the transactions that increased in volume. In the meantime, DOGE’s forecast of $0.1 may have run into a brick block. According to CoinMarketCap, the value of the meme dropped by 3.30% during the previous day.

Општи услови: Ставовите и мислењата, како и сите информации споделени во оваа анализа на цените, се објавени со добра волја. Читателите мора да направат сопствено истражување и длабинска анализа. Секое дејство преземено од читателот е строго на сопствен ризик, Coin Edition и неговите филијали нема да бидат одговорни за каква било директна или индиректна штета или загуба.

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Source: https://coinedition.com/dogecoin-holder-revives-2-million-doge-wallet-after-9-dormant-years/