„Еволуирачки“ NFT кои користат иновативна технологија ERC271K Лансирана на Celo

The carbon-negative, mobile-first network continues to pioneer Web3 innovations

САН ФРАНЦИСКО– (БИЗНИС IИВЕР) -Impact Cards, a new dynamic non-fungible tokens (NFTs) alpha that tracks and verifies cross-chain impact contributions, launches on Цело. Offering user-friendly experiences through “impact quests,” such as participating in on-chain donations to ImpactMarket, a poverty alleviation protocol, or Гиткоин grants, these purpose-driven NFTs utilize the ERC721K framework.

While ERC-721 is a free, open standard that is commonly used to build non-fungible or unique tokens on Ethereum and EVM-compatible blockchains, ERC721K is a pioneering technological innovation that combines dynamic on-chain images and metadata to create a Web3 credential via a unified proof-of-impact track record.

Using composable Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and real-time data streams, ERC721K allows builders to construct, render and evolve NFTs, issuing collectibles that adapt and respond to the environment. These “evolving” on-chain NFTs are self-contained with customizable, dynamic traits whereby users accumulate “experience points” by interacting with the greater Web3 space.

“We chose Celo as the home for Impact Cards, because blockchains are more than just a new technology––they are an opportunity to encode values into actions,” says Kames Geraghty, Impact Cards’ chief architect and ERC271K creator, and Friends of Pooly CTO. “The Celo ecosystem’s commitment to innovation and mission-driven founders and builders means we can work directly with people who are already making a difference.”

“We look forward to unlocking greater access to public goods protocols on Celo through this Impact Cards alpha,” says Masha Healy, the Celo Foundation’s Grant Operations Lead. “This pioneering technology, with plans to track off-chain contributions, allows ReFi builders and projects to further user stickiness and composability, while better segmenting user data and product feedback––offering a unique, first-of-its-kind experience for users.”

Additional impact NFT projects on Celo include Ariswap, a mobile-first NFT marketplace that is actively creating education and community NFT programs across Africa and LATAM through art, and Сајберкутија, an NFT Marketplace with ReFi integrations such as on-chain carbon offsetting.

За Чело

Цело е јаглерод-негативен протокол без дозвола, слој-1 со богат екосистем на глобални партнери кои градат иновативни Web3 апликации во секторите DeFi, ReFi и NFT на Celo. Достапен за секого со мобилен телефон, екосистемот Celo се состои од децентрализиран блок-технолошки оџак со доказ за удел (Протоколот Celo), мајчин токен CELO и неколку стабилни средства на Mento (cUSD, cEUR, cREAL) кои му овозможуваат на секого да користат дигитални средства како валута. Лансиран на Денот на планетата Земја во 2020 година, мрежата со отворен код Celo сега поддржува над 1000 проекти создадени од програмери и уметници лоцирани низ целиот свет.


[заштитена по е-пошта]

Source: https://thenewscrypto.com/evolving-nfts-leveraging-innovative-erc271k-technology-launch-on-celo/