Најновиот пораст на цената на FTT: Лажна пумпа или FTT се враќа?

  • FTT’s price has soared more than 42% over the last 24 hours.
  • The collapsed altcoin’s price is now trading near a weekly resistance level.
  • FTT’s weekly RSI is on the verge of flagging bullish.

The majority of crypto prices are in the green over the last 24 hours according to CoinMarketCap. There is, however, one outlier that has printed surprising gains as the week starts off. This coin is FTX токен (FTT). At press time, the collapsed altcoin’s price is up more than 42% over the last 24 hours. As a result, FTT is trading at $2.44.

Not only has FTT strengthened against the U.S. Dollar, but it has also strengthened against the two крипто пазар leaders, Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), by 39.94% and 38.63% respectively.

This surge in FTT’s price is the result of the spike in the token’s trading volume in the last 24 hours. At press time, the daily trading volume for FTT stands at $143,831,708. This is a triple-digit, 279.39% increase compared to what it was yesterday.

Weekly chart for FTT/USDT (Source: CoinMarketCap)

на цена на ФТТ is now trading at the weekly resistance level at $3.822, which is also the current level of the 9-week EMA line. The weekly RSI for FTT is on the verge of flagging bullish, with the weekly RSI line looking to cross the weekly RSI SMA line.

Daily chart for FTT/USDT (Source: CoinMarketCap)

The price of FTT has risen above both the 9-day and 20-day EMA lines after the daily RSI line broke above the daily RSI SMA line.

Crypto analyst, Limbo (@CryptoLimbo_), tweeted yesterday that this pump in FTT’s price may be a fake pump. If this is the case, then FTT’s pump will drop just as rapidly in the coming days.

Општи услови: Ставовите и мислењата, како и сите информации споделени во оваа прогноза за цената, се објавени со добра волја. Читателите мора да го направат своето истражување и длабинска анализа. Секоја акција преземена од читателот е строго на нивен сопствен ризик. Coin Edition и неговите филијали нема да бидат одговорни за каква било директна или индиректна штета или загуба.

Пост Прегледи: 28

Source: https://coinedition.com/ftts-latest-price-surge-fake-pump-or-ftt-making-a-comeback/