Girlles Token успешно собра над 1.2 милиони долари во претпродажба

The thunderous presale of the NFT GameFi token, Girles, raised more than $1.2 million and continues to delight investors.

Женски за девојки is a decentralized NFT GameFi token created on the Ethereum platform, which is available for presale right now for every investor.

Early-stage investors have more attractive terms of up to 200% than later-stage inventors. The token is the main product of Girls Metaverse, кој се состои од NFT Metaverse, P2E Alliance и Staking Contracts.

The vision and mission of the Girles Project

на Girls Metaverse team is actively developing a P2E server in Minecraft, completing quests on which investors can earn real money on a игра за заработка основа.

The team believes this innovation will significantly increase the crypto community and attract a huge number of new investors since Minecraft is one of the best-selling games in the world!

At the heart of the Girles Metaverse project is the NFT Metaverse. Users used to call NFTs “just pictures,” but the projects’ metaverse proved otherwise.

The developers offer investors a separate product, where NFT can be not only the author’s works, but also lands / game items that can also be used in P2E игри, in NFT Staking, whereby placing NFT on staking, investors will receive Жетони за девојки, и во иднина може да го вратат NFT, како и во NFT Box, и NFT Burning, при што со согорување на NFT на платформата Ethereum, инвеститорите добиваат ексклузивни бонуси. 

Investors can mint NFTs, hold them, and buy or sell them on the NFT Market. The team is actively working on enlarging the community and refining the Токеномика for the NFTs, which means the NFTs have growth potential.

Time to invest?

на Girls Metaverse community is strong and outgoing, and the team keeps improving the cryptocurrency world by adding new custom developments.

The metaverse team passed KYC with Solidproof and posted links to their LinkedIn accounts, which guarantees the legality of the project. The projects’ metaverse community is implementing more than 15 products.

За девојките 

Girles Metaverse is a modern crypto community that has been developing a cryptocurrency token since 2022. The goal of its metaverse is to simplify the cryptocurrency world and develop individual ideas!

The project is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. We recommend doing thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency.

За да купите токен, користете ги линковите подолу:

Presale here | За девојките | Телеграм група

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