ИЗГУБЕН Остров за да обезбеди револуционерно искуство во играта за бегство

LOST’s entry into the metaverse with LOST Island will provide users with game-changing escape game experiences as the company has initiated various upcoming initiatives, the company told Blockchain.News.

Webp.net-димензионирање - 2022-05-25T165217.632.jpg

Rick Woo, Co-Founder, LOST 

LOST became the first escape room game to enter the metaverse in April 2022, and the company is creating an infinite escape game through the LOST Island metaverse.

“Gamers will be experiencing OMO (online merge offline) escape game as an ultimate adventure,” LOST told Blockchain.News in an interview. 

To gain access to the LOST Island, participants of the game will have to connect a digital wallet with a wearable which will be used to unlock riddles.

The game has adopted LOST Token as the Cryptocurrency.

The first of its kind metaverse escape room game experience will be in play-to-earn and play-to-learn models. These features will enable brand gamification for arousing interest in people and awareness, LOST told Blockchain.News.

For players to benefit from the play-to-earn model, they will be required to pass through various stages with multiple puzzles and riddles. While on the game, a player can also find rare items such as weapons, tools or special kits that can be used to crack the locking areas of the game.

The game also allows players to challenge each other to win awards.

Players can also equip their avatars with NFT to hunt different treasures and get rewards with LOST’s tokens. A leaderboard will be show each gamer’s result. 

Players can also sell their NFTs in LOST’s marketplace. NFTs could be anything, even something such as a pair of special boots that a player can use to cross a river of lava in the game.

While for the play-to-learn model, the company will be introducing LOST Junior into LOST Island. LOST Junior will be suitable for children aged between 6 to 14, LOST told Blockchain.News.

“Kids can have different takeaway by playing our escape games. For example, we will gamify the historical stories, STEAM education, financial quotient etc. in our game, where kids will be awarding a certificate with CQ (creative quotient) level to endorse their achievement. This certificate will be recorded on a blockchain and being their badges to unlock different achievements in our escape games,” LOST said.

LOST also added that the OMO escape game will allow players an extended experience of the physical game in the virtual world.

In terms of integration of the physical game experience into the metaverse, LOST said: “the integration is seamless, just the escape games’ story have another chapter in the metaverse but totally different challenges and gaming experience. Plus, our team will keep on opening new outlets in different places so that there will be more metaverse entrance for gamers.”

As part of the future plan, LOST is working on a strategy to accept tokens as payment to play the physical version of the games at the store and also purchase merchandise.

LOST added that another major goal for LOST Island’s future is to build a coding academy to allow players or visitors to build their own escape game in the company’s metaverse.

Other Recent Metaverse Developments in Hong Kong

Во друг голем метаверс развој in the financial hub, HSBC Holdings said it has основана a fund to render investment opportunities to its high and ultra-high net worth investors in Singapore and Hong Kong.

Blockchain.Вести објави дека HSBC точно ќе ги посочи инвестициските можности во пет области во екосистемот метаверзум; инфраструктура, интерфејс, компјутери, искуство и откривање и виртуелизација преку портфолиото за дискрециона стратегија на Метаверс.

Лина Лим, регионален шеф на дискрециони и фондови за инвестиции и решенија за богатство во Азија Пацифик во HSBC, изјави:

„Метаверзниот екосистем, иако се уште е во рана фаза, брзо се развива. Гледаме многу возбудливи можности во овој простор, бидејќи компаниите со различни потекла и големини се собираат во екосистемот“.

Минатиот месец, HSBC влезе во екосистемот на метаверс по партнерството со Sandbox, блокчејн платформа за игри.

Како резултат на тоа, таа стана втората глобална банка откако JPMorgan Chase инвестираше во метаверс платформа. Преку партнерството, HSBC се здоби со парцела на LAND, виртуелниот недвижен имот во метаверзумот The Sandbox, кој ќе го развие за ангажман, забава и поврзување.  

Според неодамнешниот извештај на Citi, се очекува метаверзумот да се оддалечи од границите на видео игра што се игра на слушалки за виртуелна реалност за да стане „Отворен Метаверс“ кој би бил во сопственост и управуван од заедница.

Извор на слика: Shutterstock

Source: https://blockchain.news/news/lost-island-to-provide-groundbreaking-escape-game-experience