Предвидување на цената на среќниот блок: LBLOCK повторно добива поголема поддршка

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Среќниот блок на price activity has regained support above the $0.0001450 price level. And this performance has placed this crypto significantly at the reach of more tailwind.

LBLOCK: 24 ноември 2022 година
Вредност на LBLOCK: 0.0001476 долари
Пазарна капитализација за среќниот блок: 0.538 милиони долари
Проточно снабдување со LBLOCK: —-
Вкупна понуда на среќен блок: 3.65 милијарди
Среќен блок рангирање на Coinmarketcap: #4548

Важни нивоа на цени:
Отпорност: 0.0001476 $, 0.0001500 $, 0.0001540 $
Поддршка: 0.0001450 $, 0.0001430 $, 0.0001400 $

Предвидување на цената на среќниот блок: LBLOCK повторно добива поголема поддршка

Lucky Block Price Prediction: LBLOCK Seems to Have Regained Upside Volatility

LBLOCK/USDT market has regained above the price level of $0.0001400 as predicted on the 4-hour chart. Even the latest candlestick here appears to be sitting on the MA line of the Bollinger band and with this performance, price action may resume an upward move, which will eventually result in Lucky Block climbing even higher. Examining the activities on the Stochastic RSI, we can see that this indicator continues to indicate an upward price move. Also, the leading line of this indicator has arrived above the 75 mark, while the lagging one is now above the 50 mark. Consequently, the RSI reading seems to be pointing to a possible continued upward trend.

Предвидување на цената на среќниот блок: LBLOCK повторно добива поголема поддршка

Предвидување на цената на среќниот блок: Напредувањето нагоре продолжува на пазарот LBLOCK

Исто така, LBLOCK/USDT hourly chart continues to portray optimism. The last two red candlesticks here seem to desist from testing the MA line of the Bollinger band. And, this seems to portray how strong the support above the MA line seems to be. Additionally, the RSI lines have arrived in the overbought region. Although the lines of this indicator have now taken a downward bearing, since price action have found support above the MA line, the RSI may soon pick up signs of gain in upward momentum as traders continues to gain bullish confidence. Consequently, this will result in price action breaking up the $0.0001500 price level to the upside.

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Source: https://insidebitcoins.com/news/lucky-block-price-prediction-lblock-regains-higher-support