LUDO е домаќин на ексклузивен настан во Романија

LUDO, the metaverse search engine and data aggregator, is hosting “The State of The Metaverse” in Bucharest, Romania, on June 9, 2022, at 4 PM EST at the JW Marriott Hotel.

The event will focus on the burgeoning space of the Metaverse and will include several influential people in the industry. 

“The State of The Metaverse” will reflect the growth of the Web 3 ecosystem globally with a focus on Eastern Europe.

It is a closed-door industry Summit and will connect some of the most influential Creators, Connectors, and Collectors in the space giving them the opportunity to share their ideas, experiences, and visions. 

Настанот ќе биде домаќин на неколку панели за најжешките теми во моментот: 

  • Како да ги забележите можностите во Метаверс
  • Првите чекори на проектот Метаверс 
  • Тајниот сос за Web3 Killerapp (или еднорог) 
  • Донесете проект во центарот на вниманието 
  • Скалирање на проект од идеја до еднорог 

На крајот од самитот, учесниците ќе имаат можност дополнително да се поврзат и да се вмрежат за време на неформална вечера.

The metaverse industry is a space where industry leaders are separated geographically, and LUDO is demonstrating its ability to bring people together, towards a better, cleaner, and clear web 3 future.

As the metaverse is supposed to bring people together, it is not at the stage yet where it can reach full scale and capabilities to achieve this.

In an age where the official definition and dimensions of “web 3” are still fluid, LUDO is bringing the biggest creators, connectors, and connectors together in one place, to embark together on the next step towards a web 3 future and connect people in the metaverse. 


LUDO the Search Engine of the Metaverse aims to break down borders and make the industry and sector a lot more seamless, by solving the problem of fragmentation through data aggregation and validation.

LUDO offers a central gateway to multichain web 3.0 to serve the NFT, GameFi, and Metaverse industries. The project provides a search engine that showcases NFTs, creator tools, P2E tools, GameFi dashboards, and more. 

Како ESG-внимателна платформа, LUDO ги гради потребните проверки и рамнотежи за да ги минимизира и ублажи ризиците со кои може да се соочат корисниците при интеракција во екосистемот NFT. 

За да дознаете повеќе за LUDO, посетете: Веб-страница | Twitter | Instagram | Телеграма |

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