MT Tower продолжува со заоблени семиња по успешното стратешко подигање

MT Tower, an emerging lifestyle and gaming metaverse project, has announced the start of its seed round for investors.

After a successful raise of над $ 400,000 in its initial strategic round, MT Tower will start its seed round on the 9-ти септември, lasting seven days.

MT кула is a metaverse project aiming to expand how users interact with each other, influencers, and brands in a virtual space.

Its goal is to revolutionize how people experience social media, striving towards becoming the next stage of it while creating an ecosystem with tokens, entertainment, and immersive experiences. 

„Наша цел е да ги прекршиме правилата на традиционалните социјални медиуми. Повеќето платформи денес ги следат истите правила и идеологија, а ние сакаме да ги одведеме луѓето на нова, културна и уметничка виртуелна социјална платформа за да бидат креатори на сопствената слава и влијание“.

- Igor Łukasik, CEO of MT Tower.

The transition from Web2 to Web3 for social media is clear, but the team at MT Tower recognizes that this process will take time.

Therefore, its current mission is to complement existing social media and assist users and platforms in adapting to Web3 and metaverse technology.

It will do this by allowing users to integrate elements from within the platform, onto existing social media platforms.

The platform’s native token is the MT Coin. It will be sold to the community in four rounds, using MT Tower’s own launchpad.

The upcoming seed round will have a supply of 225 million MT tokens, accounting for 15% of the total supply. The team’s soft cap set for the seed round is $50M, and investors in the seed round will have a 32-week vesting period.

About MT Tower

MT Tower is a lifestyle and gaming platform that enables users to construct their own worlds, interact with brands, make social connections, and share them with others, both within and outside the metaverse.

With its numerous customization tools, users can drive their creativity beyond what is possible in the real world, making it possible to run life as virtual influencers on all social media platforms.

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