Oryen Network пред распоредот за развој. Можеби Чарлс Хоскинсон од Кардано би можел да научи нешто или две

Since its debut in the crypto space through the initial coin offering (ICO) in 2022, Oryen (ORY) has seen its crypto project outperform expectations. ORY entered the market with a price tag of $0.05 in presale 1 and is now going for $0.21 in presale 7. 

As a result, Oryen is dominating видео прегледи and top listings by Бизнис2 заедница. Oryen will launch on December 30, 2022, with a launch price of $0.35, which will be auto-airdropped to investors’ wallets since Oryen doesn’t have vesting. It accords an equal opportunity to all ICO buyers to secure presale gains.

Oryen’s Unique Offerings

Behind the success of Oryen are its unique features and fixed benefits that can withstand adverse market conditions. Its outstanding auto-staking feature, known as Oryen Autostaking Technic (OAT), auto-compounds rewards every 60 minutes. This mechanism relieves investors of the troubles of personal staking; all they need is to buy, hold and let the system handle everything else.

Oryen offers a sustainable and fixed annual percentage yield (APY) of 90% with a treasury support capability and a risk-free value (RFV).

The RFV and Oryen Treasury support provides backing and cushion against market volatility. 

Oryen’s performance has been astronomical and will continue its surge, even as analysts predict an incoming bull run. Here’s a sneak preview of its current and upcoming performances:

Фаза на претпродажбадатумЗголемување на ценатаОРИ ЦенаБонус за купување
Претпродажба 709 декември - 16 декември320%$0.215%
Presale 816 декември - 23 декември400%$0.255%
Претпродажба 923 декември - 27 декември500%$0.30%

Кардано (АДА)

Шарнир (ADA) is a proof-of-stake blockchain that sprung up as an alternative to Ethereum. ADA creator Charles Hoskinson predicts that the token can evolve into an enormous ecosystem of blockchains that will rival proof-of-work (PoW) blockchains. However, critics believe Cardano is inaccurate and has a less significant effect on the DeFi landscape. Perhaps Charles Hoskinson is learning courtesy of Oryen’s DeFi innovation. 


Oryen’s initial offering has exceeded expectations and weathered the adversities of volatile markets through its innovative features. This exceptional performance depicts a 320% rise in value, thus casting aside naysayers’ predictions. Consequently, Charles Hoskinson’s Cardano (ADA) ought to borrow a leaf from the exemplary performance of ORY. 

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Source: https://coinpedia.org/press-release/oryen-network-ahead-of-development-schedule-maybe-charles-hoskinson-of-cardano-could-learn-a-thing-or-two/