Предпродажбата на Oryen добива 120% за рани сопственици, дали TAMA и Big Eyes можат да ја надминат?

Oryen Presale Gains 120% for Early Holders, Can TAMA and Big Eyes Outperform It?




Oryen presale results are in, and they’re impressive. The crowd sale gained 120% for early holders, as opposed to TAMA and Big Eyes. This is an excellent result for a presale only in its fourth phase and has no cap on how much you can buy.

Tamadoge and Big Eyes could follow in Oryen’s success, but will they? Let’s look at what Oryen accomplished and see how Tamadoge and Big Eyes follow or fail behind it!

Oryen Presale Gains

The Oryen presale has gained an impressive 120% since its ICO debut. It is an excellent sign for the future of the project. Can TAMA or Big Eyes beat the rates offered by Oryen Presale?

Moreover, Oryen network has outstanding features like the 90% annual percentage yield (APY) and Auto-Compounding hourly rewards. However, TAMA and Big Eyes are working hard to outperform the Oryen network. If they cannot match these rates, then there may be a little more time left before prices begin to drop again due to market saturation.

The best course of action would be to watch these projects closely to see if they can offer rates similar to that of Oryen’s presale gains. Big Eyes should also consider exploring some other opportunities as well. However, TAMA is also experiencing price increments along with the rise in listings. 




Can TAMA and Big Eyes Outperform Oryen?

The Oryen presale has already gained 120% in value since the start of its ICO. However, TAMA and Big Eyes have yet to show any signs of slowing down, if anything, they’ve demonstrated a commitment to their original timelines and roadmaps. 


With that in mind, both coins are a good choice in addition to Oryen due to their pedigree and institutional support. As we move into 2023, traders should watch closely how all three coins fare.

Придружете се на претпродажба: https://presale.oryennetwork.io/register

Веб-страница: https://oryennetwork.io/

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Source: https://zycrypto.com/oryen-presale-gains-120-for-early-holders-can-tama-and-big-eyes-outperform-it/