CTO на Ripple го предупредува највисокиот член на заедницата XRP да не се претставува како судија Торес

Schwartz says it is a crime to impersonate a federal judge.

Ripple CTO David Schwartz has reacted to a recent tweet by XRPP (XRP Productions), a satirical Twitter account focused on sharing humor about the sixth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap.

It all started yesterday after XRPP took to Twitter to claim that Judge Analisa Torres is ready to issue a summary judgment decision in the SEC vs. Ripple case.

The person behind the satirical account attached a screenshot showing conversations with the Judge presiding over the lawsuit. In the discussion, the parody account, posing as Judge Torres, started the chat with XRPP and indicated that she was ready to release the ruling.

“XRPP, I’m ready to release the ruling,” the parody account posing as Judge Torres said. 

Ripple CTO реагира

Although XRP community members knew the chat was one of XRP Production’s pranks, Ripple’s CTO warned him about the consequences of such actions. Schwartz took to the comment section and warned XRPP that it is a crime to impersonate a United States federal judge.

Responding to the comment, XRPP asked Ripple CTO whether it is legal to “expertly impersonate a federal judge.”

Interestingly, pro-XRP attorney Bill Morgan joined the conversation and also asked whether being funny and witty is a crime.

Schwartz did not issue a response to comments from XRPP and attorney Morgan. Unlike other Ripple execs, the outspoken CTO does not majorly comment on the ongoing lawsuit on social media. He focuses more on the company’s technical aspects and addresses misconceptions about Ripple products.

As reported by the Crypto Basic, Schwartz разоткриени circulating rumors that the recently-launched CBDC Platform launched by Ripple would not use XRP.

SEC vs. Ripple Case Approaches End

Meanwhile, many believe the legal battle between the SEC and Ripple, which has lingered for more than two years, will soon come to an end.

Извршниот директор на Ripple, Бред Гарлингхаус шпекулира that he expects the lawsuit to end in weeks and not months. XRP community members hope that Garlinghouse is right with his prediction and Judge Torres issues a final verdict in a matter of weeks.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2023/05/26/ripple-cto-warns-top-xrp-community-member-against-impersonating-judge-torres/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ripple-cto-warns-top-xrp-community-member-against-impersonating-judge-torres