Ripple признат како четврто најдобро работно место за родители

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Leading Silicon Valley tech company Ripple has been recognized among the “Best Workplaces for Parents 2022” by ‘Great Place To Work.’ According to листата, Ripple ranks as the fourth-best workplace for parents in 2022.

за анкета conducted by Great Place To Work, 95% of Ripple employees disclosed that the blockchain company is a “great place to work compared to 57% of employees in a typical U.S.-based company.” 

Ripple also scored high in other segments of the survey, which helped the company to rank as the fourth-best workplace for parents in 2022. 100% of Ripple employees disclosed in the survey that they were warmly welcomed when they first joined the company. 98% of Ripple’s employees said the company allows people to take time off whenever necessary.

Furthermore, 97% of Ripple employees noted that the company’s management is ethical and honest in its business practice. 96% of respondents stated that Ripple management trusts employees to do a good job without close supervision, while 97% said Ripple facilities contribute to creating a good working environment for employees.

Commenting on the recent milestone, Ripple рече во изјава: 

“We have a diverse community of parents and caregivers, and we prioritize providing inclusive support at every stage of their family journey. We’re proud to be recognized as one of the #BestWorkplaces for parents!” 

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