SEC беше отфрлен бидејќи Војаџер доби судско одобрение за продажба на Binance US

Bankrupt cryptocurrency lender Voyager Digital has won court approval to sell over $1 billion of its assets to Binance US.

The approval was granted by United States Bankruptcy Judge Michael Wiles on Mar. 7, which came after four days of arguments presented by Voyager and the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC).

Wiles said he would give the trading platform permission to close the Binance US sale and issue repayment tokens to impacted Voyager customers, which would give them back approximately 73% of what they’re owed.

Wiles rejected a series of arguments by the SEC that the redistribution of the funds from Voyager to Binance.US would violate U.S. securities laws, според to a Mar. 7 report from Bloomberg:

„Не можам да го ставам целиот случај во неодредено длабоко замрзнување додека регулаторите сфатат дали веруваат дека има проблеми со трансакцијата и планот“.

Peter M. Aronoff, a lawyer with the Department of Justice (DOJ) рече it’s considering appealing Wiles’ decision.

The judge’s decision comes just over a week after 97% of 61,300 Voyager account holders were found to be in favor of the current Binance.US restructuring plan, according to a Feb. 28 filing.

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