Ажурирањето за претходна нарачка на Shiba Inu Cold Wallet доаѓа денес

An upcoming cold wallet for Shiba Inu (SHIB) generates excitement within the community.

Lucie, a Shiba Inu official content marketing specialist in the Shiba ecosystem, has сподели на Twitter that Shiba holders should stay tuned as an update on preorders is expected today or tomorrow.


Swiss company Tangem is developing a cryptocurrency hardware wallet that will have an attractive design. Lucie urged the community to follow Tangem Wallet for upcoming SHIB cold wallet updates.

Shibarium1 official member of SHIB team, has also mentioned an exclusive promotional offer to incentivize the wallet launch. The details are yet to be revealed, but they will most likely include rewards such as discounts and bonus tokens for those who take advantage of the cold storage option at launch.

Crypto Basic had previously reported that the team is exploring a potential collaboration with Huobi and Certik for the launch of the Shiba Inu-focused cold wallet. This will allow users to store their tokens securely while providing access to DeFi yield farming opportunities.

Shiba Inu Cold Wallet to Support Multiple Currencies

The Shiba Inu (SHIB) Cold wallet launch could majorly impact the current market trends for digital assets like SHIB. With its advanced security features and широк опсег of supported currencies (6K currencies), this wallet’s multi-currency support is a major factor that makes it stand out from its competitors.

The cold storage wallet will provide an extra layer of security to keep your $SHIB tokens locked away, even during high market volatility or other potential threats. It will also help users securely store and manage their digital assets across the globe. With such advanced security features, users can rest assured that their investments are safe and secure from malicious hackers or theft attempts.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2023/05/18/shiba-inu-cold-wallet-pre-orders-update-coming-today/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=shiba-inu-cold-wallet-pre-orders-update-coming-today