Водачот на Шиба Ину реагира додека МО го паузира официјалниот раздор на SHIB

Kusama recently reacted following the decision from LC, the owner of the official Shiba Inu community Discord, to remove all admins and pause the server.

Shytoshi Kusama, the community-appointed Shiba Inu (SHIB) project leader, has reacted to a recent decision from LC, the owner of the official SHIB community Discord server. LC had paused the entire Shibtoken server in what he calls “a temporary maintenance period.”

Shiba Inu Discord Paused

On May 29, LC disabled the ability for members of the Shibtoken server to send messages, then revoked the status of all admins and mods in the server. Amid growing speculations, he announced, clarifying that the move is part of an elaborate attempt to address issues that have led to a considerable decline in “the community’s experience.”

He emphasized that he would make some “necessary changes” to address the issues. However, he failed to divulge more information on the nature of these issues and the proposed changes. LC noted that the server would remain active during this period of temporary pause.

Moreover, Lucie, a Shiba Inu community influencer and SHIB official content marketing specialist, called attention to the development on Twitter, seeking to provide clarity. Lucie stressed that the temporary pause does not in any way affect the Shiba Inu ecosystem.

According to her, the pause was due to a long-standing internal conflict. In the meantime, Lucie admonished the broader community to join the recently-opened Shibarium Discord server for community discussions.

Speaking to The Crypto Basic, she disclosed that some of the moderators and admins affected include prominent community members Trophias and Queenie. However, she clarified once more that there is no cause for alarm, and members can се приклучат на Shibarium Discord.

Kusama Reacts

Shortly after the announcement from LC, Kusama одговори to the latest development in the Shibarium Discord, stressing that he will remain committed to the ecosystem development regardless of the “tomfoolery” going on. 

‘Let me say something… I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. For those of you that have been here for a while (and by here I mean Shib), you know that when I’m quiet in cooking up something. So, I’ve been VERY quiet because there are many great things in the works,’ - забележа тој.

Kusama emphasized that, at the end of the day, he would deliver what he had promised to the community.  ‘I would and finalize/ complete this decentralized system. It can get wild, and crazy, “chaos” as he (Ryoshi) would call it, but that is the nature of trailblazing new frontiers,’ додаде тој.

After his disclosure, Kusama took some time to respond to comments from the community, noting that he might be away for some more time. Lucie истакна that the developers are currently in good spirits despite the current situation.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2023/05/30/shiba-inu-leader-reacts-as-mod-pauses-official-shib-discord/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=shiba-inu-leader-reacts-as-mod-pauses-official-shib-discord