Цената на Shiba Inu експлодира за повеќе од 90% од јануари! Може ли SHIB повторно да се удвои?

Shiba Inu price has risen massively in the last few days. The second-largest meme coin was able to continue its upward trend over the past few weeks. Despite the sideways movement of the rest of the market, Shiba Inu coin went up. Will we even see another doubling of the value soon?

Шиба Ину

How did Shiba Inu price perform in the last few days?

The SHIB course has risen sharply in the last month. From $0.000008, it went higher towards the current price of $0.0000152. This means that SHIB made around 92% since January 2023.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) course in the last 5 days, source: gocharting.com

The recent increase in the last few hours came as a bit of a surprise, since the Bitcoin price and the other cryptocurrencies have not increased in price during this time. This makes the Shiba Inu Coin the only major coin that has risen so strongly during this time.

Why is Shiba Inu coin up?

In the last few days, we have seen more of a sideways movement on the market. So the breakout of the Shiba Inu coin came as a bit of a surprise. But the gains are arguably related to the impending launch of the Layer 2 scaling solution called Shibarium. The start of the beta mainnet should be imminent. 

This upcoming start has already caused a stronger increase in the Shiba Inu course in the past few weeks. Since the beginning of the year, the price has increased by more than 80%. The SHIB Coin has thus risen to 12th place among the cryptocurrencies and could actually climb back into the top 10 soon. 

Can the SHIB price double again soon?

At the moment the hype about the meme coin is big again. In addition to launching Shibarium, the network also has a token called ShibariumAI, a new ERC20 token. This token alludes to the hype surrounding artificial intelligence in recent weeks. So there are some exciting developments at Shiba Inu right now that are driving the price up.

Монета Шиба Ину

Should this development of the price continue in the coming weeks, a doubling could even be imminent in the next few weeks. A lot will also depend on the development of the overall market. If the market remains bullish in February, the Shiba Inu coin could continue to rise strongly in price.  

размена на споредба

Shiba Inu Prediction for February 2023

Most analysts predict that the month of February 2023 is going to be green. If this happens, SHIB token can soar even higher. However, making another 100% return in February is a hard task and not even likely. Here are the targets as per the Shiba Inu prediction for February 2023:

  • $0.000016
  • $0.000018
  • $0.000022

Како да се ископа Шиба Ину?

As stated previously, Shiba Inu operates on the Ethereum blockchain. Since Ethereum moved from PoW to PoS, there is no more mining for Ethereum or any other token that operates on the Ethereum blockchain. Hence, you cannot mine Shiba Inu anymore. However, you can stake Shiba Inu.

Како да се ископа Ravencoin

Shiba Inu Coinbase – Како да купите?

Coinbase е добра размена која нуди монета Shiba Inu како опција за купување и продавање. Секогаш ќе бидете одговорни за вашите акции на SHIB. Вие добивате само стимулации додека ја одржувате вашата криптовалута безбедна со Coinbase; вашиот SHIB никогаш не ја напушта вашата сметка.

Можете да започнете да купувате и продавате веднаш со едноставно купување SHIB на Coinbase или додавање SHIB токени на вашата сметка на Coinbase од надворешен паричник. За да започнете веднаш, креирајте сметка на Coinbase овде.

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Source: https://cryptoticker.io/en/shiba-inu-price-explodes-can-shib-double-again/