Овие големи недостатоци го намалуваат растот на протоколот DeFi

Децентрализирано финансирање (на определен обем,) is in the doldrums. The hype of the past couple of years has waned, and several protocols have failed to gain traction.

на определен обем, колатерал has tanked by 77.6% since its all-time high in December 2021. The decline is greater than the 71% that crypto markets have fallen.

Furthermore, many of the hundreds of newly launched protocols have simply collapsed. According to researchers, there are three main reasons why this has happened.

On Jan. 10, DeFi analyst ‘CyrilXBT’ suggested three critical flaws weighed down DeFi protocols this cycle.

Risk, Revenue, and Leverage

“Most Defi protocols have poor risk management, insufficient revenue, and the overuse of leverage,” he stated.

Systemic risk mitigation is a key factor for the success of a DeFi platform. 2022 saw countless hacks, exploits, cross-chain bridge attacks, compromised smart contracts, and rug pulls.

Според една неодамнешна пријавите, crypto and DeFi losses hit $3.9 billion last year. Poor risk management is a fast track to failure for any DeFi protocol.

The ability to generate revenue and remain profitable is another critical factor. The researcher noted:

“One of the most frequently cited reasons for DeFi protocols struggling is their inability to generate sustainable income that adds meaningful value to the platform’s ecosystem.”

DeFi decentralized finance

Лошо дизајниран токеномика со високи стапки на инфлација are a red flag. High инфлацијата increases token supply, so liquidity leaves the ecosystem if the token value is not maintained.

The third critical factor is over-exposure to leverage. Protocols that had tokens that could be used as an asset to borrow loans got trapped by users taking over-leveraged positions

Leverage has also been the cause of some of last year’s major meltdowns, such as целзиусови and Three Arrows Capital (3AC).

DeFi will come back stronger, but only the fittest protocols without exposure to these three critical flaws are likely to survive.

Lido Becomes New DeFi King

There has been a shakeup at the top of the DeFi pile. Liquid staking platform Лидо се собори стабилен pioneer MakerDAO.

Според ДеФилама, Lido has the largest market share of all DeFi protocols at 13.8%. Furthermore, it has a total value locked of $6.6 billion, which is just above создателоте 6.4 милијарди долари.

Lido has been on a roll recently as liquid staking derivatives gather momentum ahead of Ethereum"S Шангај надградба.

крива Finance is the third largest DeFi protocol with $4.3 billion in collateral locked. Furthermore, the total for the entire ecosystem is $47.6 billion, a decline of 74% over the past 12 months.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/three-critical-flaws-toppled-defi-protocols-bear-cycle/