Uniswap V3 ќе се прошири на мрежата Boba со повеќе синџири Layer-2

Cross-chain interoperability will catalyze decentralized finance growth and opportunities. It is pertinent for existing and new protocols to gain traction across robust networks. Uniswap V3 will make its way to Boba Network and explore L2-based opportunities.


Uniswap V3 Expands to Boba

Most people know Uniswap V3 as the leading decentralized exchange. It has the highest volume of all DEXs, even if its liquidity has decreased somewhat in recent years. However, it’s also a project that wants to expand to other compatible networks. Like other protocols, such decisions are often voted upon through governance tokens and a DAO structure. The decentralized governance approach aims to give everyone an equal say in these matters.

One expansion avenue for Uniswap is the exploration of Layer-2 blockchains. Numerous networks exist, including Arbitrum, Optimism, and Boba Network. That latter network will soon be home to Uniswap V3’s trading solution, as the community гласаше to explore this option. Bringing the DEX to more networks will enhance overall liquidity and trading volumes. 


Enya Labs’ CEO and co-founder Alan Chiu adds:

„Хибридното пресметување на Boba Network ќе им овозможи на програмерите на екосистемите да изградат нова генерација на хибридни апликации DeFi во синџирот/оф-ланецот на врвот на Uniswap. Додека протоколот Uniswap ќе остане без дозвола, програмерите ќе можат да изградат усогласен слој над него што го користи Hybrid Compute за да ги искористи постоечките, KYC/AML-пријателски за TradFi услуги. Како резултат на тоа, Uniswap ќе стане попристапен за поголемиот институционален пазар“. 

The Boba Foundation and FranklinDAO put forward the proposal to bring Uniswap to Boba. A total of 51.01 million votes registered in favor of this expansion. As a result, Uniswap V3 will roll out to the network over the coming few weeks. Moreover, the expansion ensures Uniswap will be active across six blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, and Celo. 


Why Boba Network Makes Sense

Bringing Uniswap V3 to another chain is about more than tapping into additional liquidity. It also expands the community to encompass members of Boba’s multichain ecosystem. In addition, users benefit from faster transactions and lower fees, paving the way for new trading strategies. Furthermore, it gives Uniswap a broader appeal across Asian markets like South Korea and Japan. 

A crucial objective is ensuring Uniswap gains sufficient traction on Боба мрежа. Therefore, the Boba Foundation has committed $1 million in BOBA tokens to prominent ecosystem projects fueling this adoption. Plus, the liquidity is a strong incentive to boost liquidity on Uniswap V3 through the Boba Network. Rewards will be distributed from a multisig wallet controlled by the Uniswap Grants Program and Boba Foundation. 

For Uniswap, the rollout to a multichain layer-2 scaling solution is significant. Boba Network offers multichain support for Avalanche, BNB Chain, Moonbeam, and Fantom. As such, it isn’t unthinkable to see Uniswap V3 expand to any of those networks in the future. 

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Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2023/02/uniswap-v3-will-expand-to-the-multi-chain-layer-2-boba-network