Непоколеблива Oryen мрежа додека ORY предпродажбата оди во живо

Oryen holders snatch profits as ICO first phase ends. BNB, Tamadoge and IMPT holders joining in




Infusing in cryptocurrency is a double-edged sword; while it presents many opportunities, it also carries a high degree of risk. To ensure their acquisitions are safe and secure, users must consider various factors, such as the project’s development track record and utility. Oryen Network offers both these elements, making it the perfect markdown for those who want to make the most.

Oryen Network – Presale Live

Oryen Network is an innovative multi-use cryptocurrency platform that allows staking, trading, and asset management. The platform has recently released teasers of its dashboard and Oryen Swap, providing users with an exciting glimpse at what’s yet to come. What sets Oryen apart from other projects is its fixed APY of 90%, which equates to 0.177% daily returns paid out every sixty minutes.

This makes infusing in Oryen Network hassle-free, allowing users to sit back and reap the rewards without monitoring their accounts religiously or giving custody of assets to anyone else. Oryen enables auto-staking via its signature protocol – OAT (Oryen Autostaking Technic) to increase investor security even further.

Oryen also boasts a Risk-Free Value (RFV) wallet that backs up the ORY token. All earnings collected through staking are returned directly to this treasury wallet for. To top it off, Oryen Network provides a new user experience that eliminates the hassle normally associated with cryptocurrency entry barriers – making it simple yet efficient enough for beginners – thus helping them understand more about cryptocurrency markets faster than ever before.

Последни мисли




The current market sentiment is at an all-time low; however, this could be seen as a great opportunity for those looking for presales with a high likelihood of performing better in the near future when consumer confidence rises again after the storm passes through.

Moreover, both projects have been hitting news headlines more frequently lately due to endorsements from notable YouTube influencers.

За повеќе информации:

Придружете се на претпродажба: https://presale.oryennetwork.io/register

Веб-страница: https://oryennetwork.io/

Одрекување: Ова е спонзорирана статија и ставовите во неа не ги претставуваат оние на ZyCrypto, ниту треба да се припишуваат на. Читателите треба да спроведат независно истражување пред да преземат какви било активности поврзани со компанијата, производот или крипто проектите споменати во овој дел; ниту овој член може да се смета за инвестициски совет.

Source: https://zycrypto.com/unswerving-oryen-network-as-ory-presale-goes-live/