Виталик Бутерин вели дека XRP е „целосно централизиран“, реагира CTO на Ripple

Ethereum (ЕТХ) ко-основачот Виталик Бутерин во интервју на 19 декември за Bankless, рече Ripple's XRP „Сè уште беше целосно централизиран“.

According to Buterin, for a project to have itself as part of the crypto space, it needs to use cryptography and have “some kind of chain data structure somewhere.”

He added that XRP hasn’t apologized for writing the U.S. government that Bitcoin (БТК) и Ethereum беа средства под контрола на Кина.

„XRP не се извини за тврдењето дека Bitcoin и Ethereum се контролирани од Кина“.

Ripple CTO reacts

In response, Ripple chief technology officer David Schwartz criticized Buterin for not knowing the difference between Ripple and XRP.

Schwartz tweeted that Buterin “still doesn’t understand, or is pretending not to understand, that Ripple is a company and XRP is a digital asset.”

Meanwhile, this is not the first time that Buterin will draw the ire of the XRP community. Earlier this year, he рече XRP had lost its right to protection from the crypto community because Ripple claimed China controlled Ethereum.

Ripple’s community alleged that Ethereum got a free pass from the Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) because of corruption.

Is Buterin’s centralization claims right?

The relationship between XRP and Ripple has led to continued allegations from the crypto community that the digital asset is centralized.

While Ripple is a crypto payment company focused on blockchain technology for institutions, XRP is the native cryptocurrency of the XRP Ledger (XRPL) network. According to its , XRPL is “based on an inherently decentralized, democratic, consensus mechanism — which no one party can control.”

Достапните информации покажуваат и дека Ripple контролира само 4 од над 130 валидатори кои работат XRPL.

Критичарите, исто така, имаат тенденција да посочат дека Ripple го држи најголемиот дел од XRP токенот. Сепак, нејзиниот неодамнешен извештај изјави дека XRP имотот на фирмата се намалил под 50% од нејзината вкупна понуда. Фирмата додаде дека секој валидатор на нејзината мрежа „добива еден глас без оглед на тоа колку XRP поседува“.

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Source: https://cryptoslate.com/vitalik-buterin-says-xrp-is-completely-centralized-draws-ripple-ctos-reaction/