Што ќе се случи врвната цена на Axie Infinity (AXS) со отклучување со токен?

Over 4.8 million Axie Infinity tokens (АКСС) are scheduled to be unlocked today, seeing the token surge 39% in the past 24 hours. But is this exit liquidity?

The price of AXS tokens has been skyrocketing in the past 24 hours. The token is trading at around $12.85 as of writing, with a market cap of over $1.5 billion. 

Цена на Axie Infinity (AXS).
извор: BeInCrypto

But will the rally continue as over 4.8 million tokens emerge from the vesting period?

1.8% of AXS Supply to Be Unlocked

Според податоците од Отклучува токен, over 4.8 million AXS tokens, which make up 1.8% of the total supply, will be unlocked today. The token has a maximum supply of 270 million, out of which 32% of tokens are locked.

AXS supply data
извор: Отклучува токен

Заедницата стравови that the bulls are doing an exit pump with incoming unlock. During the previous unlocking on Oct. 24, 2022, the price of АКСС fell dramatically. Twenty-two million AXS tokens were unlocked, primarily contributing to the decline in AXS price.

However, Aleksander Larsen, the co-founder and COO of Axie Infinity, појасни that token unlock is a “business as usual.” He Твитер that unlocked tokens follow a “separate issuance schedule.” The co-founder further explained that “token issuance in $ terms is lower than $ flowing into an ecosystem, making it sustainable in the long term.”

Will Axie Infinity Sink or Become the Biggest Metaverse Experience?

The price of both AXS and Smooth Love Potion (SLP), the tokens earned by playing the blockchain game, have fallen drastically in the крипто зима. As a result, the players are moving away from the Axie Infinity ecosystem due to the reduction in earnings.

Според податоци from ActivePlayer.io, the average number of monthly players in the past 30 days is 432k, roughly the same as in Nov. 2020. The average number of monthly players has declined from a peak of 2.7 million in Jan. 2022. 

Axie Infinity players count
извор: ActivePlayer.io

Considering the players’ count and the increasing supply, Felix Hartmann predicts that the ecosystem will be “pretty close to dead.” Hartmann is the managing partner at Hartmann Capital, a crypto asset management firm.

On the other hand, the community верува that Hartmann is wrong and that “Axie will be the biggest metaverse experience.”

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/bulls-preparing-cash-in-axie-infinity-axs-token-unlock/