WSI ќе биде наведен на XT.COM на почетокот на 2023 година

XT.COM, the world’s first socially infused trading platform, will list the WSI token во првиот квартал на 2023 година.

The WSI token is a БЕП-20 token native to the WeSendit ecosystem with a total supply of 1.5 billion tokens. The tokens have a vesting period of a maximum of five years and can be staked by users to receive up to 200% APY (Annual Percentage Yield). 

Users will receive interest in the form of WSI tokens on their investment at the end of the year while also earning WSI tokens as rewards for bringing new users to the platform and for every successful business transaction.

Businesses, on the other hand, can benefit from the large storage space within the WeSendit Web3 ecosystem using WSI tokens since executing wallpaper advertising, designing marketing channels, and selling digital products all cost lower than in the traditional market.

За WeSendit

WeSendit Media AG is an IT company that provides users with unlimited file transfer and storage capabilities without KYC. Their legal headquarters are based in Zug, Switzerland, and founded in early 2018.

The company’s storage services can scale up to multiple terabytes or petabytes to meet their user’s requirements. This helps create a powerful, user-friendly but decentralized ecosystem for data sharing without compromising on безбедност и приватноста. 

WeSendit’s security features guarantee the privacy, authenticity, and integrity of confidential data using decentralized solutions. It offers user-friendly Web3 solutions for secure data management for both B2B and B2C purposes.

Businesses can easily transition from Web2 applications to Web3 seamlessly with WeSendit to improve internal security and safeguard from hacks and data leaks. will continue to further strengthen its battle-hardened crypto listing strategies to improve the trading options for all of its users. Deposit, trading, and withdrawal options will be available live and colored for both WSI and XT holders.

Everyone is encouraged to indulge in WSI trading seamlessly anytime, anywhere without any limitations. As promised, XT.COM will continue welcoming projects for crypto listings and achieve parallel growth with them.


Founded in 2018, XT.COM now serves more than 6 million registered users, over 500,000 monthly active users, and 40+ million users in the ecosystem. With a rich variety of trading categories and an NFT aggregated marketplace, the platform strives to cater to its large user base by providing a secure, trusted, and intuitive trading experience.

As the world’s first social-infused digital asset trading platform, XT.COM also supports social networking platform-based transactions to make its crypto services more accessible to users all over the world. Furthermore, to ensure optimal data integrity and security, it sees user security as its top priority at XT.COM. 

XT.COM – Веб-страница | Twitter | Телеграма
WeSendit - Веб-страница | Twitter | Телеграма

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