ХРП-Про профилот на Твитер на адвокатот Дитон е хакиран за да се промовира токен за измама

Pro-XRP lawyers are raising awareness of a recent hack incident targeting attorney John Deaton’s Twitter account.

Attorney John Deaton, CryptoLaw founder, and lawyer representing thousands of XRP holders in the SEC vs. Ripple lawsuit, has become the latest victim of a Twitter hack.

The Twitter account of the pro-XRP lawyer was hacked yesterday. Following the incident, the unidentified persons behind the attack took advantage of Deaton’s influence to promote a token dubbed LAW.

“Presenting LAW, the official token derived directly from Crypto Law US. LAW introduces an innovative approach to tokenization and DeFi, centered around crypto regulation and jurisdiction,” the hackers wrote via Deaton’s handle.

The tweet has not been deleted as of press time. Users are advised against clicking links embedded in the tweet, even for curiosity’s sake, as such links could contain malicious content.

Deaton Hopes to Recover His Twitter Account Soon  

After the hack, Deaton used his daughter’s (Jordan Deaton) Twitter account to comment on the incident. According to the prominent cryptocurrency advocate, the team behind Twitter assured him that he would regain access to the account in the next 1 – 3 days. He further urged Twitter CEO Elon Musk to fix the issue. 

Furthermore, he promised to comment on the incident during CryptoLaw Live Stream scheduled for tomorrow at 3 PM EST or 8 PM (UTC).

Реагираат адвокатите на Pro-XRP 

The development has sparked reactions from cryptocurrency enthusiasts, including legal experts closely following the SEC vs. Ripple lawsuit. Australia-based lawyer Bill Morgan informed his followers that Deaton’s account had been hacked.

“Hopefully, his own account will be recovered by Twitter ASAP from the hacker/scammer and restored to him,” said attorney Morgan. 

In a similar development, defense lawyer James K. Filan рече he spoke to Deaton yesterday regarding the incident. According to attorney Filan, Deaton believes he will regain access to his Twitter account in two to three days. 

Deaton issued an apology via Filan while advising his nearly 270K followers to stay away from his Twitter account until further notice.


Meanwhile, the official Twitter handle of CryptoLaw, a legal and regulatory news outlet created by Deaton, also commented on the development. CryptoLaw noted that the LAW token promo was not from the Deaton. According to CryptoLaw, Deaton’s phone was hacked yesterday after a relentless cyberattack that lasted for several days. 

The Twitter handle urged Deaton’s followers to disregard any information coming from the account until the team at CryptoLaw discloses that the pro-XRP lawyer has regained access to the account.

It bears mentioning that the incident comes a day after Deaton прослави his birthday. Deaton’s efforts towards representing XRP holders in the multi-year SEC lawsuit have not gone unnoticed, as members of the XRP community continue to благодарам him for protecting their interests in the ongoing SEC vs. Ripple lawsuit.

Следете не on Twitter и Фејсбук.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2023/06/05/xrp-pro-lawyer-deatons-twitter-account-hacked-to-promote-scam-token/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=xrp-pro-lawyer-deatons-twitter-account-hacked-to-promote-scam-token