Биткоин рударот Гриниџ очекува загуби од 20 до 22 милиони долари во третиот квартал по заминувањето на извршниот директор

Пост Биткоин рударот Гриниџ очекува загуби од 20 до 22 милиони долари во третиот квартал по заминувањето на извршниот директор се појави прв на Coinpedia Fintech News

Bitcoin Miner, Greenidge Generation Holdings (GREE) anticipates a GAAP net loss of $20 to $22 million in the 3rd quarter.

Greenidge projected estimated revenue of roughly $29 million in its early financial and operating results for the third quarter, compared to $35.8 million in the same period last year.

Following the resignation of Jeffrey Kirt on October 7, the mining company also announced the hiring of David Anderson as its new CEO. Anderson was most recently the chief executive officer of Millar Western Forest Products, an integrated forest products firm situated in Alberta, Canada.

Source: https://coinpedia.org/crypto-live-news/greenidge-bitcoin-miner-expects-20-22m-losses-in-q3-after-ceo-departure/