JPMorgan може да мрази биткоин, но милиони во крипто размислуваат поинаку

JPMorgan Chase really appears to hate Bitcoin and crypto, as long as you ignore the millions of dollars they are throwing at the sector.

For years, the investment bank has pursued investments in blockchain and cryptocurrency while simultaneously talking the industry down. That trend was continued recently by JPMorgan president Daniel Pinto, who on Понеделник изјави CNBC that crypto is a small asset class that “is kind of irrelevant in the scheme of things.”

Dear JPMorgan, You Seem Confused Over Crypto

JPMorgan Chase may be the largest of the big four investment banks, but on the subject of crypto it seems confused on whether it is coming or going.

Во неодамнешното интервју CNBC, company president Daniel Pinto played down the influence of crypto in international markets. 

„Реалноста е дека сегашната форма на крипто стана мала класа на средства што е некако ирелевантна во шемата на нештата“, рече Пинто. И покрај тоа, извршната власт продолжи да признава дека можеби нешто се подготвува во поширокиот сектор кога додаде: „... технологијата, концептите, нешто веројатно ќе се случи таму - само не во нејзината сегашна форма“.

The seeming disinterest from JPMorgan would appear to be a step-up in some regards.

In 2021 company CEO Jamie Dimon тврди that “I personally think that Bitcoin is worthless.”

Prior to this, Dimon called Bitcoin “a fraud,” and “fools gold,” while calling cryptocurrencies “decentralized Ponzi schemes.”

Following the JPMorgan Crypto Trail

While JPMorgan executives have been having fun bashing all the blockchains, the company has been pursuing policies that contradict their edicts.

Во 2019 година, компанијата започна its very own cryptocurrency (or should that be decentralized Ponzi scheme?) in the form of JPM Coin.

In 2020, the bank created an entire blockchain division called Оникс, which according to them “pioneered the world’s first bank-led blockchain platform for the exchange of value, information and digital assets.”

The company also has a string of blockchain and crypto investments to its name. 

This year alone, the bank participated in a $60 million funding round for the анализа на синџирот фирма Elliptic, and a $32 million funding round with competitor organization Лаборатории TRM

In 2021, the deals were significantly bigger. In Jan. 2021 JPMorgan directly invested $100 million in Figure, a company leveraging blockchain technology in the mortgage market. Other investments included ConsenSys, компанијата позади МетаМаск. In that instance, JPMorgan participated in a funding round with UBS and Mastercard, raising a combined $65 million.

Што значи сето тоа?

While JPMorgan’s total investment in blockchain is difficult to measure, the company has publicly stated that it spends 12 милијарди долари годишно on technology projects. That includes machine learning or artificial intelligence as blockchain.

Зошто тогаш сета омраза од мажите на врвот? Тоа е тешко да се каже со сигурност, но кога зборовите и постапките се погрешно усогласени, веројатно е подобро да ги судите според нивните постапки. Дури и мразителите ги сакаат тие слатки крипто добивки.

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