Yuga Labs започна аукција на колекцијата Bitcoin Ordinals NFT

Yuga Labs is facing backlash from the crypto community after releasing its TwelveFold не може да се забранува tokens (NFTs) on the Bitcoin blockchain.

The Bitcoin NFTs, built using the Редни theory, are gaining in popularity, and Yuga Labs wanted to leverage this with an official collection, TwelveFold.

However, the complexity of the bidding process has brought criticism from the community and Bitcoin Ordinals’ creator, Casey Rodarmor.

Yuga Labs Using Stone Age Methodology?

The auction process is such that the bidders must send Bitcoin (БТК) to Yuga Labs’ address through one паричник. At the same time, they must keep another јадрото-enabled self-custodied паричник empty to receive TwelveFold inscriptions.

For users who do not win the auction, Yuga Labs will refund the BTC to the receiving wallet. The NFT influencer Giancarlo criticizes the process by saying, “We’re still in the Stone Age.”

Also, as Bitcoin is relatively slower than other blockchains, some NFT enthusiasts have expressed фрустрација. However, others believe that TwelveFold is the најевтиниот way to enter the Yuga ecosystem.

IP Rights of Crypto Punks Во прашање

Twitter users also criticized Yuga Labs for not protecting the intellectual property (IP) rights of the Crypto Punks. The Bitcoin NFTs became popular last month after someone launched 10,000 Crypto Punks clones, calling them the Биткоин панкери.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/yuga-labs-auction-bitcoin-ordinals-collection/